Review Index

- A Topiary by Shane Carruth
- Abominations by Hermann
- The Accursed by Claude Seignolle
- The Adam Experiment by Geoffrey Simmons
- The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the Eighth Dimension by Earl Mac Rauch
- Aelita by Alexei Tolstoy
- Affairs of A Cardiovascular Nature by Terry Grimwood
- Afraid to Death by Marc Behm
- Afro-6 by Hank Lopez
- After Dark by Jeani Rector
- After the Bomb by Gloria D. Miklowitz
- Against God by Patrick Senecal
- The Age of Decayed Futurity by Mark Samuels
- The Age of Insects: Not Human by Sparky Greene, Louis Pieper
- The Agonizing Resurrection of Victor Frankenstein & Other Gothic Tales by Thomas Ligotti
- Alamut by Vladimir Bartol
- Aleister Crowley: Wandering the Waste by Martin Hayes, R.H. Stewart
- Alien by George H. Leonard
- Aliens: Tribes by Stephen R. Bissette, David Dorman
- All Hallows’ Eve by Charles Williams
- All Hallow’s Eve by Richard Laymon
- Alraune by Hanns Heinz Ewers
- The Alternative by Rodney Hyde-Thompson
- Amarcord by Zoran Zivkovic
- Amputee Love by Rich Jensen, Rene Jensen
- The Amulet by Michael McDowell
- An Emporium of Automata by D.P. Watt
- An Exchange of Souls by Barry Pain
- Anaïs Nin at the Grand Guignol by Robert Levy
- And Now The Nightmare Begins: The Horror Zine edited by Jeani Rector
- And the Ass Saw the Angel by Nick Cave
- Angelwalk by Roger Elwood
- Aniara by Harry Martinson
- Annihilation by Jeff Vandermeer
- Anthony Shriek by Jessica Amanda Salomonson
- The Anubis Gates by Tim Powers
- Anyhow Stories by Lucy Clifford
- Apeland by Paul Allen
- Apocalypse by Nancy Springer
- Apple of My Eye by Amy Grech
- The Architect by Brendan Connell
- The Architect of Ruins by Herbert Rosendorfer
- Are Snakes Necessary? by Brian De Palma, Susan Lehman
- Around A Dark Corner by Jeani Rector
- The Artificial Kid by Bruce Sterling
- As Fate Would Have It by Michael Louis Calvillo
- Ash Wednesday by Chet Williamson
- The Association by Bentley Little
- At the Mountains of Madness by H.P. Lovecraft. Francois Baranger
- Aura by Carlos Fuentes
- Authority by Jeff Vandermeer
- Automatic Safe Dog by Jet McDonald
- Autumn by David Moody
- Avatar; or, The Double Transformation by Theophile Gautier
- Aventine by Lee Killough
- The Ax by Donald E. Westlake
- Bad Ronald by Jack Vance
- Balaoo by Gaston Leroux
- The Barn of Fear Edited by Lawrence Shell
- Banshees by Mike Baron
- The Bat Woman by Cromwell Gibbons
- Bear by Marian Engel
- Bearwalk by Lynne Sallot, Tom Peltier
- The Beast Within by Edward Levy
- Beautiful Darkness by Fabien Vehlmann, Kerascoët
- The Beckoning Fair One by Oliver Onions
- Beetlejuice Goes Hawaiian by Jonathan Gems
- Behind the Shadows by Roy Horn, Jr.
- Bereavements by Richard Lortz
- Beware Us Flowers of the Annihilator by Alexander Zelenyj
- The Beyond by Stephen Romano, Noah David Henson
- Beyond The Threshold by Ronald Patrick
- Big as Life by E.L. Doctorow
- Big Gurl by Thom Metzger, Richard P. Scott
- Billy Majestic’s Humpty Dumpty by Billy Majestic, Jordan Jordanov, Ven Dinkov
- Billy the Most Horrible Boy in the World by Michael Dugan, Brett Colquhoun
- Biogenesis by Tatsuaki Ishiguro
- The Birthing House by Christopher Ransom
- Bitch by J. Jason Grant
- Black and Orange by Benjamin Kane Ethridge
- Black Butterflies by John Shirley
- Black Cherry by Doug Tennapel
- Black Christmas by Lee Hays
- The Black Corridor by Michael Moorcock
- The Black Cupboard by Claude Seignolle
- Black Devil Doll by Stephen Romano
- Black Glass by John Shirley
- Black Hole by Charles Burns
- Blanket of White by Amy Grech
- Blasted by Sarah Kane
- Blaze of Embers by Andre Pieyre de Mandiargues
- Bleed for You by Michael Louis Calvillo
- The Blind God is Watching by Nancy Springer
- The Blind Owl by Sadegh Hedayat
- Blind Voices by Tom Reamy
- Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman by Haruki Murakami
- Blood: A Tale by J.M. DeMatteis, Kent Williams
- Blood & Gristle by Michael Louis Calvillo
- Blood and Shadows by Joe R. Lansdale, Mark A. Nelson
- Bloodhouse by Kenneth Cook
- Bloody Baudelaire by R.B. Russell
- Bloody War by Terry Grimwood
- The Blue Canoe by T.M. Wright
- The Blue Pagoda by Hannes Bok
- The Blue Peril by Maurice Renard
- Bones of the Moon by Jonathan Carroll
- The Book of A Thousand Sins by Wrath James White
- A Book of Bargains by Vincent O’Sullivan
- The Book of Imprudent Flora by Claudio Romo
- The Book of Skulls by Robert Silverberg
- Bottomfeeder by Stephen Romano, Pat Carbajal
- The Box From Japan by Harry Stephen Keeler
- The Boy Who Kicked Pigs by Tom Baker
- The Boy Who Stole Attila’s Horse by Ivan Repila
- The Brahan Seer by Douglas Thompson
- Brainchild by Andrew Neiderman
- Brainstorm by Walter Dean Myers
- Branches by Mitch Cullin
- The Broken Man by Michael Byers
- Brujo by William Relling, Jr.
- Burn Witch Burn! by Abraham Merritt
- By Reason of Insanity by Shane Stevens
- By Sanction of the Victim by Patte Wheat
- The Cadaver of Gideon Wyck by Alexander Laing
- The Cage by Martin Vaughn-James
- Cage of Night by Ed Gorman
- The Camp of the Saints by Jean Raspail
- Candy in the Dumpster edited by Bill Breedlove
- The Cannibal Within by Mark Mirabello
- Captain Blood by Michael Blodgett
- The Case Against Satan by Ray Russell
- Cast A Cold Eye by Derryl Murphy, William Shunn
- The Castle of Argol by Julien Gracq
- Catastrophe by Dino Buzzati
- The Cattle Mutilators by John J, Dalton
- Cellars by John Shirley
- The Ceremonies by T.E.D. Klein
- Cern Zoo (Nemonymous Nine) Edited by Des Lewis
- Chaingang by Rex Miller
- Changelings: A Double Fugue by Tom Marshall
- Chasing Hairy by Michael Fleisher
- Chasing the Boogeyman by Richard Chizmar
- Child of God by Cormac McCarthy
- Childgrave by Ken Greenhall
- The Childkeeper by Sol Stein
- Choice Cuts by Pierre Boileau, Thomas Narcejac
- Christmas on Crack Edited by Carlton Mellick III
- Christmas with the Dead by Joe R. Lansdale
- The City by James Herbert, Ian Miller
- The City of Unspeakable Fear by Jean Ray
- Clockwork by Philip Pullman
- Clowns at Midnight by Terry Dowling
- The Club Dumas by Arturo Perez-Reverte
- Code Blue: A Love Story by Jack Grisham
- The Coffin Things by Michael Avallone
- Cold House by T.M. Wright
- Cold Moon Over Babylon by Michael McDowell
- Color Me Blood Red by Herschell Gordon Lewis
- Combat Shock by Buddy Giovinazzo
- Comics Underground Japan Edited by Kevin Quigley
- The Coming Self-Destruction of the U.S.A. by Alan Seymour
- Committal Chamber by Russell Braddon
- The Committed Men by M. John Harrison
- Compartments by Zoran Zivkovic
- The Compass Stone by Fernando Arrabal
- Cone Zero (Nemonymous Eight) Edited by Des Lewis
- Consumed by David Cronenberg
- Cool World by Michael Grais, Mark Victor
- Coraline by Neil Gaiman
- Count Dracula’s Canadian Affair by Otto Fredrick
- The Count of Eleven by Ramsey Campbell
- The Country of Wolves by Neil Christopher, Ramon Perez, Daniel Gies
- Coyote by Max Restaino
- Crash by J.G. Ballard
- Creature by Drake Douglas
- Creatures of The Pool by Ramsey Campbell
- Creepers by Robert Craig
- Creepshow by Stephen King, Bernie Wrightson
- Crimson Kisses by Asa Drake
- Crimson Orgy by Austin Williams
- Cujo by Stephen King
- The Curse of Latomba by Edward Hyde
- Custom Made Slaves by Eric Thomas
- Cycle of the Werewolf by Stephen King, Berni Wrightson
- Cycle of Violence by Grayson Perry
- Dagon by Fred Chappell
- Damnbanna by Nancy Springer
- Danilov the Violinist by Vladimir Orlov
- The Dark Domain by Stefan Grabinski
- Dark Harvest by Norman Partridge
- The Dark Mansion by H.R. Kaye
- Dark Matter by Blake Crouch
- Dark Matter by Garfield Reeves-Stevens
- The Dark Pageant by Edward Lucie-Smith
- Dark Screams Vol. 1 Edited by Brian James Freeman, Richard Chizmar
- Darkside by Dennis Etchison
- The Day the Clown Cried by Jerry Lewis, Joan O’Brien, Charles Denton
- The Day the Gods Died by Walter Ernsting
- Dead Calm by Charles Williams
- The Deadly Percheron by John Franklin Bardin
- Death and Desire in the Age of Women by Michael Louis Calvillo
- Death by Dreaming by Jon Manchip White
- Death Tour by David J. Michael
- Death’s Apprentice by K.W. Jeter, Gareth Jefferson Jones
- The Deep Sea Diver’s Syndrome by Serge Brussolo
- Defiance by D.M. Perkins
- The Delicate Dependency by Michael Talbot
- Deliver Me from Eva by Paul Bailey
- The Demolished Man by Brian De Palma, John Farris
- The Demolished Man by Oliver Stone
- The Demon by Hubert Selby Jr.
- Demons by Daylight by Ramsey Campbell
- Deus Irae by Philip K. Dick, Roger Zelazny
- The Devil’s Popess by Jehan Sylvius, Pierre de Ruysnes
- The Diamond Bogo by Robert F. Jones
- The Dice Man by Luke Rhinehart
- Dinner At Deviant’s Palace by Tim Powers
- Dionysos Speed by Rainer J. Hanshe
- Dionysus: The Ultimate Experiment by William S. Ruben
- Dirty Weekend by Helen Zahavi
- The Disassembled Man by Nate Flexer
- Do the Creepy Thing by Graham Joyce
- Doc Good’s Traveling Show by Gene O’Neill
- Doctor Lerne by Maurice Renard
- Dog Blood by David Moody
- Dog Eat Dog by Edward Bunker
- The Dogfighter by Jonathan Betuel
- A Dog’s Head by Jean Dutourd
- The Doll Who Ate His Mother by Ramsey Campbell
- Doomsday Book by Connie Willis
- Doorways to the Deadeye by Eric J. Guignard
- Dracula by Bram Stoker
- The Dragon by William Schoell
- A Dream Like Mine by K.T. Kelly
- Dr. Black and the Guerrillia by Brendan Connell
- The Drifting Classroom by Kazuo Umezu
- Driver by Pat Winter
- Dying to Live: Life Sentence by Kim Paffenroth
- Eat Him if You Like by Jean Teule
- Eat Them Alive by Pierce Nace
- Edith’s Diary by Patricia Highsmith
- Eddy Deco’s Last Caper by Gahan Wilson
- El Diablo by Brian Azzarello, Danijel Zezelj
- Elektra Assassin by Frank Miller, Bill Sienkiewicz
- The Elementals by Michael McDowell
- Eleven/Twenty Two/Sixty Three (11/22/63) by Stephen King
- Elle by Philippe Djian
- Elsewhere by William Peter Blatty
- The End of Alice by A.M. Homes
- Enemy Force by John Antoine Nau
- Enemy of the Good–Postscripts 19 Edited by Peter Crowther, Neck Gevers
- Escape from Hell by Larry Niven, Jerry Pournelle
- Escher’s Loops by Zoran Zivkovic
- Europe After the Rain by Alan Burns
- Everville by Clive Barker
- Evil Companions by Michael Perkins
- The Exerciser by Sol Weinstein, Howard Albrecht
- The Exopotamia Manuscript by Maxim Jakubowski
- The Experience of the Night by Marcel Bealu
- Exploring Dark Fiction #1: A Primer to Steve Rasnic Tem Edited by Eric J. Guignard
- Exploring Dark Fiction #5: A Primer to Han Song Edited by Eric J. Guignard
- The Exterminating Angel by Luis Bunuel
- Extreme Prejudice by John Milius
- The Eye of Purgatory by Jacques Spitz
- The Eyes by Jesus Ignacio Aldapuerta
- The Eyes of The Cat by Alejandro Jodorowsky, Jean “Moebius” Giraud
- Face by Cecile Pineda
- Fade by Robert Cormier
- Fade-Out by Patrick Tilley
- Falling by T.J. Newman
- Falling Angel by William Hjortsberg
- A Family Failure by Renate Rasp
- Fantastic Memories by Maurice Sandoz
- Fantomas of London by Marcel Allain
- Fastyngange by Tim Wynne-Jones
- Fear is the Rider by Kenneth Cook
- A Feast of Frights from the Horror Zine Edited by Jeani Rector
- Feather by David Rix
- Female Psycho Ward!!! by Con Sellers
- Feral by Berton Roueche
- The Fire-Spirits by Paul Busson
- The Fires of Pele by Hollace & Paul Davids
- Floating Dragon by Peter Straub
- Flowers of Hell by Morgan Drake
- The Fog by Dennis Etchison
- The Fog by James Herbert
- Fog Heart by Thomas Tessier
- Forcible Entry by Stewart Farrar
- Fortress by Gabrielle Lord
- Four Stories Till the End by Zoran Zivkovic
- Frankenstein ’69 by Ed Martin
- Freak Museum by R.R. Ryan
- Freaks’ Amour by Tom De Haven
- Freaks and Fantasies by Tod Robbins
- Freezer Burn by Joe R. Lansdale
- Fright Night by John Skipp, Craig Spector
- From Inside by John Bergin
- Fully Dressed and in His Right Mind by Michael Fessier
- The Fungus by Harry Adam Knight
- The Funhouse by Dean Koontz
- The Fury by John Farris
- Future Without Future by Jacques Sternberg
- The Garden At 19 by Edgar Jepson
- The Gas by Charles Platt
- Gaston Leroux’s Phantom Stories Edited by Peter Haining
- Geek Love by Katherine Dunn
- George’s Run: A Writer’s Journey Through The Twilight Zone by Henry Chamberlain
- Ghost Doll by Bruce McMIllan
- The Ghost Pirates by William Hope Hodgson
- Ghosts in The Swamp by Karl Hans Strobl
- The Ghostwriter by Zoran Zivkovic
- Ghouls in My Grave by Jean Ray
- The Girl who Passed for Normal by Hugh Fleetwood
- The Glass Cage by Colin Wilson
- Glass Coffin Girls by Paul Jessup
- A Glimpse of the Numinous by Jeff Gardiner
- God of the Razor by Joe R. Lansdale
- God’s Demon by Wayne Barlowe
- God’s Man by Lynd Ward
- God Told Me To by C.K. Chandler
- Going Places by Bertrand Blier
- Golem by Barbara Anson
- Golem100 by Alfred Bester
- A Graveyard Visible by Steve Conoboy
- The Gray Zone by John R. Little
- The Great and Secret Show by Clive Barker
- The Great Bagarozy by Helmut Krausser
- The Great Victorian Collection by Brian Moore
- The Green Mile by Stephen King
- The Green Round by Arthur Machen
- The Green Woman by Peter Straub, Michael Easton, John Bolton
- Gremlins 2: The New Batch by David Bischoff
- Grimm Memorials by R. Patrick Gates
- The Grin of the Dark by Ramsey Campbell
- Grizzly by Will Collins
- Gropie by Barry Luck
- Gunpowder by Joe Hill
- The Guns of Santa Sangre by Eric Red
- Halloween by Ben Greer
- Halloween by Curtis Richards
- Halloween Edited by Paula Guran
- Halloween Horrors Edited by Alan Ryan
- The Halloween Tree by Ray Bradbury
- Halloweenland by Al Sarrantonio
- A Handbook of American Prayer by Lucius Shepard
- Handling the Undead by John Ajvide Lindqvist
- Happiness Bastard by Kirby Doyle
- Happy Now by Charles Higson
- Hashish by Oscar A.H. Schmitz
- Hashish: The Lost Legend by Fritz Lemmermayer, Ronald K. Siegel
- Hater by David Moody
- The Haunted Dollhouse by Terry Berger, David Berger, Karen Coshof
- The Haunter of the Dark By H.P. Lovecraft, John Coulthart, Alan Moore
- The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson
- Head-to-Toe Portrait of Suzanne by Roland Topor
- The Heart of The Beast by Dean Motter, Judith Dupre, Sean Phillips
- Heartsnatcher by Boris Vian
- Hell by Yasutaka Tsutsui
- Hell Baby by Hideshi Hino
- Hell Hound by Ken Greenhall
- A Hell of A Woman by Jim Thompson
- Hell! Said the Duchess by Michael Arlen
- Hell Train by Christopher Fowler
- Hellbound Hearts Edited by Paul Kane, Marie O’Regan
- Hellfire and Damnation by Connie Concoran Wilson
- Hellstrom’s Hive by Frank Herbert
- Heloise by Anne Hebert
- Here Comes A Candle by Fredric Brown
- Hero and the Terror by Michael Blodgett
- Hex by Thomas Olde Heuvelt
- The Hippy Cult Murders by Ray Stanley
- Holy Terror by Frank Miller
- The Horde by Igor Baranko
- Horns by Joe Hill
- Horror Library Volume 8 Edited by Eric J. Guignard
- Horrorween by Al Sarrantonio
- Hot in December by Joe R. Lansdale
- The House of Fear by Leonora Carrington
- House of Flesh by Bruno Fischer
- House of Pain by Pan Pantziarka
- The House on the Borderland by William Hope Hodgson
- The House That Groaned by Karrie Fransman
- How Many Times? by Rhys Hughes
- How to Make Friends with Demons by Graham Joyce
- The Howling by Gary Brander
- The Hundred Year Christmas by David Morrell
- The Hunters by Burt Wetanson, Thomas Hoobler
- I Am Behind You by John Ajvide Lindqvist
- I Saw Zombies Eating Santa Claus by S.G. Browne
- I Will Rise by Michael Louis Calvillo
- I’m Not Sam by Jack Ketchum, Lucky McKee
- I’m the King of the Castle by Susan Hill
- Ice by Anna Kavan
- Impressions of Africa by Raymond Roussel
- In the Dark by Richard Laymon
- In the Kingdom of Mescal by Georg Schafer, Nan Cuz
- Inferno Edited by Ellen Datlow
- Inferno by Larry Niven, Jerry Pournelle
- The Infinite Man by William Relling, Jr.
- The Influence by Ramsey Campbell
- Inside Black Hollywood by Carol Speed
- Interview with the Vampire by Anne Rice
- Invasion of the Mutanoids by Stephen Romano
- The Island by Peter Benchley
- The Island by T.M. Wright
- It by Stephen King
- J.N. Williamson’s Masques Edited by J.N. Wiliamson, Mort Castle
- Jaws by Peter Benchley
- Jeanne’s Journal by Mario Mercier
- Jeffery Dahmer: An Unauthorized Biography of A Serial Killer by Hart D. Fisher, Al Hanford
- Jesus World by Jamie Buckingham
- John Dollar by Marianne Wiggins
- John Skipp & Craig Spector’s Malformed by John Skipp, Craig Spector, Robert DeMatteo
- Joko’s Anniversary by Roland Topor
- A Journey in the Phantasmagorical Garden of Apparitio Albinus by Claudio Romo
- The Judas Fish by Kenneth Cook
- Junk Culture by Ted McKeever
- Kaiki: Uncanny Tales from Japan Vol. 1 Edited by Higashi Masao
- Keef by T.W. Coakley, Ronald K. Siegel
- Ken Russell’s Dracula by Ken Russell, Paul Sutton
- The Kensei by Jon F. Merz
- Kid Eternity by Grant Morrison, Duncan Fegredo
- The Killer by Colin Wilson
- The Killer Inside Me by Jim Thompson
- The King in Yellow by Robert W. Chambers
- The King of Pacoima by David Mickey Evans
- King Stach’s Wild Hunt by Uladzimir Karatkievic
- Krampus by Brom
- Krampusnacht Edited by Kate Wolford
- The Lady In The Car With Glasses and A Gun by Sebastian Japrisot
- Lairs of the Hidden Gods Vol. 1 Edited by Asamatsu Ken
- Lairs of the Hidden Gods Vol. 2 Edited by Asamatsu Ken
- Laserblast by Stephen Romano, Pat Carbajal
- Last Call by Tim Powers
- Last Case At A Baggage Auction by Eric J. Guignard
- The Last Children by Gundrun Pausewang
- The Late Great Creature by Brock Brower
- Legion by William Peter Blatty
- The Legion of Charlies by Tom Veitch, Greg Irons, Dave Sheridan
- Lenin Lives! by Gregory O’Brien
- The Library by Zoran Zivkovic
- Liers in Wait by Raymond Lawrence, Katherine Mount
- Life is Hot in Cracktown by Buddy Giovinazzo
- The Life of Polycrates By Brendan Connell
- The Lioness by Michael Horbach
- Little Boy Lost by T.M. Wright
- Little Heaven by Nick Cutter
- Little Star by John Ajvide Lindqvist
- Little Orphan Vampires by Jean Rollin
- The Little People by John Christopher
- The Living Dead by George A. Romero, Daniel Kraus
- Locke and Key: Welcome to Lovecraft by Joe Hill, Gabriel Rodriguez
- Locus Solus by Raymond Roussel
- The Long Last Call by John Skipp
- The Long Tomorrow and Other Science Fiction Stories by Jean “Moebius” Giraud
- Lord Horror by David Britton
- Lord Horror: Reverbstorm by David Britton, John Coulthart
- The Lost Boys by Craig Shaw Gardner
- Lost in Darkness by Jeffrey Thomas
- Lost Souls by Poppy Z. Brite
- The Lost Stradivarius by John Meade Falkner
- The Lost Traveller By Ruthven Todd
- Lot Lizards by Ray Garton
- Love Kills by Dan Greenburg
- Love Song by Philip Jose Farmer
- The Lucid Dreaming by Lisa Morton
- Lucio Fulci’s The Gates of Hell by Stephen Romano, Derek Rook
- Luda by Grant Morrison
- Lunar Park by Bret Easton Ellis
- The Lunar Trilogy by Jerzy Zulawski
- Lychee Light Club by Usamuru Furuya
- The M.D. by Thomas M. Disch
- Mad Max by Terry Kaye
- Mad Shadows by Marie Claire-Blais
- Madam Sex Thief by Robert Moore
- Magic Mirror by Ed Pinsent
- The Magic Toyshop be Angela Carter
- The Magic Wagon by Joe R. Lansdale
- Magick and Misery by Lincoln Crisler
- The Mailman by Bentley Little
- Make Room! Make Room! by Harry Harrison
- Maleficium by Martine Desjardins
- Malevil by Robert Merle
- Mall of Cthulhu by Seamus Cooper
- Malpertuis by Jean Ray
- The Man From The Great North by Hugo Pratt
- The Man Upstairs by T.L. Parkinson
- The Man Who Murdered His Muse by James Champagne
- Man With Four Lives by William Joyce Cowen
- The Man With Kaleidoscope Eyes by Tim Lucas
- The Manchurian Candidate by Richard Condon
- Maniac by Stephen Romano, Pat Carbajal
- The Manitou by Graham Masterton
- Mantids by Ron Dakron
- Many Dead Things: The Specimens of Lord Merrylin by Alex CF
- Mardi Gras Massacre by Brad Carter
- The Martyr by David Meltzer
- The Mask of the Black Death by Akira Kurosawa
- The Matilda Murder Hunter by Harry Stephen Keeler
- The Maze by Maurice Sandoz
- A Maze of Death by Philip K. Dick
- Medusa by E.H. Visiak
- Mefisto in Onyx by Harlan Ellison
- Megalopolis by Francis Ford Coppola
- The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy and Other Stories by Tim Burton
- Meltdown by John Carpenter
- Memoirs of An Invisible Man by H.F. Saint
- Memoria by Adam Pepper
- Men, Women and Rattlesnakes by Franklin P. Collier Jr.
- Merkabah Rider: Tales of A High Plains Drifter by Edward M. Erdelac
- The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka
- Metrophilias by Brendan Connell
- Midnight by Dean Koontz
- Midnight Movie By Tobe Hooper, Alan Goldsher
- Midnight’s Lair by Richard Laymon
- Midwinterblood by Marcus Sedgwick
- The Mind Parasites by Colin Wilson
- Mindblower by Charles McNaughton, Jr.
- Mine-Haha, Or On The Corporal Education of Young Girls by Frank Wedekind
- Miss Homicide Plays the Flute by Brendan Connell
- Miss Tamara, the Reader by Zoran Zivkovic
- Mister E by K.W. Jeter, John K. Snyder III, Jay Geldhof
- Moju: The Blind Beast by Edogawa Rampo
- Mom Kills Kids and Self by Alan Saperstein
- Monsieur de Phocas by Jean Lorrain
- A Monster at Christmas by Thomas Canty, Phil Hale
- A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness
- Monstrocity by Jeffrey Thomas
- Montana Gothic by Dirck van Sickle
- Moondeath by Rick Hautala
- Mr. Overby is Falling by Nathan Tyree
- The Mystery of Woolverine Woo-Bait by Joe Coleman
- Mythago Wood by Robert Holdstock
- The Nail by Rob Zombie, Steve Niles, Nat Jones
- The Nanny by Dan Greenburg
- Natural Enemies by Julius Horwitz
- The Naughty Girls by Arthur Wise
- The Necrophiliac by Gabrielle Wittkop
- Necropolis by John Urbancik
- Necroscope: Harry and The Pirates by Brian Lumley
- Negatives by Peter Everett
- The Neo-Decadent Cookbook Edited by Brendan Connell, Justin Isis
- The New Adventures of Hitler by Grant Morrison, Steve Yeowell
- The New Dead edited by Christopher Golden
- The New Neighbor by Ray Garton
- The Night by Philippe Druillet
- The Night Before Christmas by Nikolai Gogol
- The Night Cache by Andy Duncan
- Night in the Lonesome October by Richard Laymon
- A Night in the Lonesome October by Roger Zelazny, Gahan Wilson
- Night of Delusions by Keith Laumer
- Night of Tears by John Kimbro
- Night of the Crabs by Guy N. Smith
- Night Show by Richard Laymon
- Night Skies by John Sayles
- Night Trippers by Mark Ricketts, Micah Farritor
- Nights with Sasquatch by Jack Couffer
- Nine Horrors and A Dream by Joseph Payne Brennan
- Nine-Thirty-Fifty-Five (9/30/55) by John Minahan
- The Ninja by Eric van Lustbader
- Ninth & Hell Street by Chas. Balun
- No Way to Treat a Lady by William Goldman
- Nothing Lasts Forever by Rodrick Thorp
- Nova Girls Fun House by Mariano Nicieza, Scott Lobdell, Thom O’Connor
- Null Immortalis (Nemonymous Ten) Edited by Des Lewis
- The Nun by Denis Diderot
- The Nursery by William W. Johnstone
- Oak-Mot by Crispin Hellion Glover
- The Obscene Bird of Night by Jose Donoso
- Oddkins by Dean R. Koontz, Phil Parks
- The OK Doll by Peter Greenaway
- Old Death by David Britton
- Old Order by Jonathan Janz
- Olympus by Geoff Johns, Kris Grimminger, Butch Guice
- The Omega Project by Morris Cerullo
- On The Verge by Maurice Sandoz
- Once Upon A Time in Hollywood by Quentin Tarantino
- One for the Road by Stephen King, James Hannah
- Only Lovers Left Alive by Dave Wallis
- Open Grave by Jeani Rector
- Open Season by David Osborn
- The Orchid Cage by Herbert W. Franke
- The Order of Death by Hugh Fleetwood
- Orgy of the Blood Parasites by Jack Yeovil
- Orgy of the Dead by Ed Wood, Jr.
- The Orpheus Process by Daniel H. Gower
- The Other End by John Shirley
- The Other Side by Alfred Kubin
- The Other Side of the Mountain by Michel Bernanos
- Our Lady of Pain by John Blackburn
- Our Lady of The Turks by Carmelo Bene
- Our Twisted Hero by Yi Munyol
- Out of Time by George Langelaan
- Panorama of Hell by Hideshi Hino
- Parasite by Mira Grant
- People Live Still in Cashtown Corners by Tony Burgess
- A Perfectly Natural Act by Dennis Littrell
- Perfume by Patrick Suskind
- Phantoms By Dean Koontz
- Philly by Dan Greenburg
- Piccoli by Philippe Halsman, Paul Julian
- Piecemeal June by Jordan Krall
- Pig by Kenneth Cook
- Pig Tales by Marie Darrieussecq
- The Pigeon by Patrick Suskind
- Pigeons from Hell by Robert E. Howard, Scott Hampton
- Pin by Andrew Neiderman
- The Pines by Robert Dunbar
- Plan B by Chester Himes
- Play Little Victims by Kenneth Cook
- Poem Strip by Dino Buzzati
- Poisoning Eros by Wrath James White, Monica J. O’Rourke
- Pomegranate and The Devouring Insects by Edogawa Ranpo
- Pork Pie Hat by Peter Straub
- Portrait of an Englishman in His Chateau by Andre Pieyre De Mandiargues
- The Power by Frank M. Robinson
- Pranks by Dennis J. Higman
- The Premises of Otto Gast by Colin Raff
- The Preserve by Patrick Lestewka
- Prey by John Carpenter
- Prince Ombra by Roderick MacLeish
- Prisoner 489 by Joe R. Lansdale
- Pulling A Train by Harlan Ellison
- The Puma Blues by Stephen Murphy, Michael Zulli
- Rain by Guillermo Bosch
- Rain by Rolf F. Stark, Marlene Stevens
- Random Acts of Senseless Violence by Jack Womack
- The Rapist by Les Edgerton
- Raptor Red by Robert T. Bakker
- Raw Dog by Eric Priestley
- Raw Meat by Richard E. Geis
- Raw Pain Max by C. Dean Anderssen
- Ready Player One by Ernest Cline
- The Real Thing by William Carney
- Red by Jack Ketchum
- Red Bride by Christopher Fowler
- Red Grass by Boris Vian
- Red Range by Joe R. Lansdale, Sam Glanzman
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- Registry of Death By Matt Coyle, Peter Lamb
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- The Resurrectionist by E.B. Hudspeth
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