Review Index

- Bad Boy Bubby by Gabrielle Murray
- Barlowe’s Inferno by Wayne Barlowe
- Barry Sonnenfeld, Call Your Mother: Memoirs of a Neurotic Filmmaker by Barry Sonnenfeld
- Batman: The Complete History by Les Daniels
- Beauty and the Beast: The Story of Nastassja and Klaus Kinski by W.A. Harbinson
- Best. Movie. Year. Ever.: How 1999 Blew Up The Big Screen by Brian Raftery
- Beyond Horror Holocaust by Chas. Balun
- Beyond Words: A Year with Kenneth Cook by Jacqueline Kent
- Big Bad John: The John Milius Interviews by Nat Segaloff
- The Big Goodbye: Chinatown and the Last Years of Hollywood by Sam Wasson
- The Big Love by Florence Aadland, Tedd Thomey
- The Big Picture by William Goldman
- Blade Runners, Deer Hunters & Blowing the Bloody Doors Off by Michael Deeley
- Blood, Sweat & Chrome–The Wild and True Story of Mad Max: Fury Road by Kyle Buchanan
- Book of Souls by Jack Ketchum
- Brave by Rose McGowan
- Bronson’s Loose! by Paul Talbot
- The Brood by Stephen R. Bissette
- Brushing the Tip of Fame by Nicholas Hope
- The Bye Bye Man and Other Strange-but-True Tales by Robert Damon Schneck
- Cannibal: The Most Sickening Consumer Guide Ever! by John Martin
- Cannibal Error: Anti-Film Propaganda and the “Video Nasties” Panic of the 1980s by David Kerekes, David Slater
- Cannibal Holocaust and The Savage Cinema of Ruggero Deodato by Harvey Fenton, Julian Grainger, Gian Luca Castoldi
- The Cannon Film Guide Volume 1 (1980-1984) by Austin Trunick
- The Cannon Film Guide Volume 2 (1985-1987) by Austin Trunick
- Chain Saw Confidential by Gunnar Hansen
- Chasing the Light by Oliver Stone
- A Child Called “It” by Dave Pelzer
- Cimino: The Deer Hunter, Heaven’s Gate and The Price of a Vision by Charles Elton
- Cinema Alchemist by Roger Christian
- Cinema Futura Edited by Mark Morris
- Cinema Macabre Edited by Mark Morris
- Cinema Speculation by Quentin Tarantino
- City of the Broken Dolls by Romain Slocombe
- The Collected Pulp Horror Edited by Justin Marriott
- Conclusions by John Boorman
- Confessions of A Puppetmaster by Charles Band
- The Connoisseur’s Guide to the Contemporary Horror Film by Chas. Balun
- Corman/Poe by Chris Alexander
- Cube: Inside the Making of a Cult Film Classic by A.S. Berman
- Cut! Horror Writers on Horror Film Edited by Christopher Golden
- Cut to the Chase by Sam O’Steen, Bobbie O’Steen
- The Damage Done: Twelve Years of Hell in A Bangkok Prison by Warren Fellows
- The Dance of Reality by Alejandro Jodorowsky
- Dangerous Visions and New Worlds: Radical Science Fiction, 1950-1985 Edited by Andrew Nette, Iain McIntyre
- David Cronenberg: Interviews with Serge Grunberg
- The Day Christ Died by Jim Bishop
- The Day of St. Anthony’s Fire by John G. Fuller
- Dean Koontz: A Writer’s Biography by Katherine Ramsland
- Death Makes A Holiday by David J. Skal
- The Devil in the White City by Erik Larson
- The Director Should’ve Shot You by Alan Dean Foster
- Director’s Cut by Ted Kotcheff
- Dispatches from Armageddon–Making the Movie Megiddo by Michael York
- Donald Cammell: A Life on the Wild Side by Rebecca Umland, Sam Umland
- Don’t Disturb the Dead by Shamya Dasgupta
- The Doyle Diary by Michael Baker
- Dream Spectres by Jack Hunter
- Dune, the David Lynch Files: Volume 2 by Kenneth George Godwin
- Ecco: The Story of A Fake Man on 42nd Street by Bill Landis, Jimmy McDonough
- Edison’s Frankenstein by Frederick C. Wiebel, Jr.
- Eraserhead, the David Lynch Files: Volume 1
- Every Man For Himself and God Against All by Werner Herzog
- The Exorcist Legacy: 50 Years of Fear by Nat Segaloff
- The Exotic Ones: That Fabulous Filmmaking Family From Music City, USA–The Ormonds by Jimmy McDonough
- Exquisite Corpse: Surrealism & the Black Dahlia Murder by Mark Nelson, Sarah Bayliss
- Faces of Fear by Douglas E. Winter
- Fantasia of Color in Early Cinema by Tom Gunning, Joshua Yumibe, Giovanna Fossati, Jonathan Rosen, Martin Scorsese
- Fear by Dario Argento
- Fever Year: The Killer Flu of 1918 by Don Brown
- Freak Babylon by Jack Hunter
- The Friedkin Connection by William Friedkin
- The Future was Now: Madmen, Mavericks, and the Epic Sci-Fi Summer of 1982 by Chris Nashawaty
- Geoff Murphy: A Life on Film by Geoff Murphy
- The Ghastly One by Jimmy McDonough
- Ghostly Tales of Route 66: Arkansas to Arizona by Connie Wilson
- Gilliamesque by Terry Gilliam
- Glamour Ghoul: The Passions and Pain of the Real Vampira, Maila Nurmi by Sandra Niemi
- Gods in Polyester by Suzanne Donahue, Mikael Sovijarvi
- Gods in Spandex by Suzanne Donahue, Mikael Sovijarvi
- Going Hollywood by Josh Becker
- A Guide for The Undehemorrhoided by Charles Willeford
- The Guttenberg Bible by Steve Guttenberg
- H.R. Giger’s Necronomicon
- Halloween 3—“Where the Hell Is Michael Myers?” by Tommy Lee Wallace
- Hancock on Hancock by Michael Doyle
- Hanns Heinz Ewers: The Story of His Development by Hanns Krüger-Welf
- Haunted Heart: The Life and Times of Stephen King by Lisa Rogak
- Henry: Portrait of A Serial Killer by Shaun Kimber
- Hip Pocket Sleaze by John Harrison
- A History of Underground Comics by Mark James Estren
- Hits, Flops, and Other Iliusions by Ed Zwick
- Hollywood Ending: Harvey Weinstein and The Culture of Silence by Ken Auletta
- Hollywood Gothic: The Tangled Web of Dracula from Novel to Stage to Screen by David J. Skal
- Hollywood Monster by Robert Englund
- Horripilations: The Art of J.K. Potter by J.K. Potter, Nigel Suckling
- The Horror…The Horror by Rick Hautala
- Horror Panegyric by Keith Seward
- Horrible and Fascinating—John Boorman’s Exorcist II: The Heretic by Declan Neil Fernandez
- House of Psychotic Women by Kier-La Janisse
- How Lucky I Was: My Life and Times by Dennis Littrell
- How to Write Porno Novels for Fun and Profit by Richard E. Geis
- The Howling: Studies in the Horror Film by Lee Gambin
- I Am Not Ashamed by Barbara Payton
- I Appeared to the Madonna by Carmelo Bene
- I Lost It at the Video Store by Tom Roston
- I Was Flesh Gordon by Jason Williams, Derek McCaw
- I’m Screaming as Fast as I Can: My Life in B-Movies by Linnea Quigley, Craig Tomashoff
- I’m Your Huckleberry by Val Kilmer
- Images by David Lynch
- Impossibly Funky: A Cashiers du Cinemart Collection Edited by Mike White
- In the Footsteps of Dracula by Steven P. Unger
- The Indiana Torture Slaying by John Dean
- The Inner Man: The Life of J.G. Ballard by John Baxter
- Inside The Wicker Man: How Not to Make A Cult Classic by Allan Brown
- Into the Unknown: The Fantastic Life of Nigel Kneale by Andy Murray
- Invasion of the Space Invaders by Martin Amis
- Iron Man—The Cinema of Shinya Tsukamoto by Tom Mes
- It Doesn’t Suck: Showgirls by Adam Nayman
- Jack Hill: the Exploitation and Blaxploitation Film Master, Film by Film by Calum Waddell
- Jan-Michael Vincent: Edge of Greatness by David Grove
- The Jaws Log by Carl Gottlieb
- The Jaws 2 Log by Ray Loynd
- Jim by James Toback
- John Frankenheimer: A Conversation with Charles Champlin
- John Kobal Presents The Top 100 Movies
- John McTiernan: The Rise and Fall of an Action Movie Icon by Larry Taylor
- Keep The River on Your Right by Thomas Schneebaum
- Ken Russell: A Director In Search of A Hero by Colin Wilson
- Killer Instinct by Jane Hamsher
- The Killing of the Unicorn: Dorothy Stratten 1960-1980 by Peter Bogdanovich
- A Kim Jong-Il Production by Paul Fischer
- Kino Delirium: The Films of Guy Maddin by Caelum Vatnsda
- Kubrick: An Odyssey by Robert P. Kolker, Nathan Abrams
- Laid Bare by John Gilmore
- Landis: The Story of A Real Man On 42nd Street by Preston Fassel
- Learn to Lose Your Mind by Dr. Chas. B. Psycho
- The Leather Nun and Other Incredibly Strange Comics by Paul Gravett, Peter Stanbury
- The Linnea Quigley Bio & Chainsaw Book by Linnea Quigley, Richard Driscoll
- A Lit Fuse: The Provocative Life of Harlan Ellison by Nat Segaloff
- Little Girl Lost by Drew Barrymore, Todd Gold
- Living in Fear: A History of Horror in the Mass Media by Les Daniels
- The Long-Lost Autobiography of Georges Melies by Georges Melies, John Spira
- Low Budget Hell: Making Underground Movies with John Waters by Robert Maier
- Made Men: The Story of Goodfellas by Glenn Kenny
- The Magic: The Story of A Film by Christopher Priest
- Making Friday the 13th by David Grove
- The Making of Dune by Ed Naha
- The Making of Hitchcock’s The Birds by Tony Lee Moral
- Master of Horror: The Official Biography of Mick Garris by Abbie Bernstein
- Miller and Max by Luke Buckmaster
- Miracles of Life by J.G. Ballard
- Monster Midway by William Lindsay Gresham
- The Monster Show: A Cultural History of Horror by David J. Skal
- Moonchild: The Films of Kenneth Anger Edited by Jack Hunter
- Morbid Curiosity Cures the Blues Edited by Loren Rhoads
- Mr. Know-It-All: The Tarnished Wisdom of A Filth Elder by John Waters
- Mrs. Wakeman vs. the Antichrist by Robert Damon Schneck
- Muddled Mind: The Complete Works of Edward D. Wood, Jr. by David C. Hayes, Hayden Davis
- My Adventure with Sheena, Queen of the Jungle: The Making of the Movie Sheena by Yoram Ben-Ami
- My Best Friend’s Birthday: The Making of A Quentin Tarantino Film by Andrew J. Rausch
- My Films with Carmelo Bene by Mario Masini
- My Friend Dahmer by Derf Backderf
- My Last Breath by Luis Bunuel
- Naked Theater and Uncensored Horror by Stuart Gordon
- Neue Slowenische Kunst Edited by NSK
- Nice Guys Don’t Work in Hollywood by Curtis Harrington
- Night of the Grizzlies by Jack Olsen
- Nightmare of Ecstasy: The Life and Art of Edward D. Wood Jr. by Rudolph Grey
- Not Bad for A Human by Lance Henriksen, Joseph Maddrey
- Paperbacks From Hell by Grady Hendrix
- Paul Bartel: The Life and Films by Stephen B. Armstrong
- Phallic Frenzy: Ken Russell and his Films by Joseph Lanza
- Plates of Memory by Marian Kolodziej
- Polanski by Christopher Sandford
- Portable Grindhouse: The Lost Art of the VHS Box by Jacques Boyreau
- Prince of Darkness by Roger Elwood
- Psychedelic Sex by Dian Hanson, Eric Godfland, Paul Krassner
- Psychedelic Sex Vampires: Jean Rollin Cinema Edited by Jack Hunter
- Psycho: Behind the Scenes of the Classic Thriller by Janet Leigh, Christopher Nickens
- Pulp Horror: All Reviews Special Edition Edited by Justin Marriott
- Pure: The Sexual Revolutions of Marilyn Chambers by Jared Stearns
- Raising Goosebumps for Fun and Profit by T.E.D. Klein, Peter Kuper
- Raising Hell: Ken Russell and the Unmaking of The Devils by Richard Crouse
- Rat-Catching by Crispin Hellion Glover
- Reel Terror by David Konow
- Reflections from A Cinematic Cesspool by George Kuchar, Mike Kuchar
- Rex Miller: The Complete Revelations by T. Winter-Damon
- Ridley Scott: A Biography by Vincent LoBrutto
- Robocop: The Definitive History by Calum Waddell
- Roman by Roman Polanski
- Romancing the Vampire from Past to Present by David J. Skal
- Room to Dream by David Lynch, Kristine McKenna
- Saluting The Blood of Heroes: Behind The Apocalyptic Film by Danny Stewart
- Screams and Nightmares: The Films of Wes Craven by Brian J. Robb
- Screen Violence Edited by Karl French
- Seventies Monster Memories Edited by Eric McNaughton
- The Shark is Roaring: The Story of JAWS: THE REVENGE by Paul Downey
- Shock Value by Jason Zinoman
- Sholay: The Making of A Classic by Anupama Chopra
- Shooting MIDNIGHT COWBOY by Glenn Frankel
- Skin by Linnea Quigley, Dan Golden
- Soldier: From Script to Screen by Danny Stewart
- Song of Spider-Man by Glen Berger
- Space Odyssey by Michael Benson
- The Spiritual Journey of Alejandro Jodorowsky by Alejandro Jodorowsky
- Splatter Movies: Breaking the Last Taboo of the Screen by John McCarty
- Stage Managing Chaos by Jackie Harvey
- Stanley Kubrick and Me by Emilio D’Alessandro, Filippo Uliveri
- Stanley Kubrick’s THE SHINING: Studies in the Horror Film Edited by Daniel Olson
- Stay Out of The Shower by William Schoell
- The Strange Genius of David Lindsay by Colin Wilson, E.H. Visiak, J.B. Pick
- The Strange Voyage of Donald Crowhurst by Nicholas Tomalin, Ron Hall
- The Strange World of Willie Seabrook by Marjorie Worthington
- Supernatural by Lindsay Brice
- Supernatural Horror in Literature by H.P. Lovecraft
- Swimming Among Sharks—The Story Behind the Making of Grizzly II: Revenge
- The Tears of Eros by Georges Bataille
- Thank You for Letting Me Be Myself by Mark Jason Murray
- Thanks for the Memories by Brice Taylor
- They Came From Within by Caelum Vatnsdal
- Time, A Falconer: A Study of Sarban by Mark Valentine
- Tobe Hooper’s Salem’s Lot: Studies in the Horror Film Edited by Tony Earnshaw
- Tony Scott: A Filmmaker On Fire by Larry Taylor
- The Traveling Years: A Memoir of Puppets, Porno and Penury by Leo Eaton
- True Indie by Don Coscarelli
- Turning Japanese by Jack Ketchum
- War Eagles: The Unmaking of an Epic by David Conover, Philip J. Riley
- Wes Craven’s Last House on the Left by David A. Szulkin
- Who’s Who in Horror and Fantasy Fiction by Mike Ashley
- Willeford by Don Herron
- William Goldman: The Reluctant Storyteller by Sean Egan
- Witchcraft Through the Ages by Jack Stevenson
- With Love, Mommie Dearest: The Making of An Unintentional Camp Classic by A. Ashley Hoff
- The World is Ever Changing by Nicolas Roeg
- A Writer’s Tale by Richard Laymon
- You Don’t Know Me, But You Love Me by Caelum Vatnsdal
- You’re Not Dead Until You’re Forgotten by John Dunning, Bill Brownstein
- You’re The Director…You Figure It Out by James Christie
- You’ve Got Red On You: How Shaun of the Dead was Brought to Life by Clark Collis
- Yours Cruelly, Elvira: Memoirs of the MIstress of the Dark by Cassandra Peterson