Review Index

- Aatank
- Abed
- Abelard—The Castration
- Act of Violence in A Young Journalist
- Abby
- Acne
- Adam Resurrected
- Afraid of the Dark
- After Last Season
- The Age of Insects
- Agony
- Air Crew
- Ajooba Kudrat Kaa (The Magnificent Guardian)
- Akira
- Alex Joseph and His Wives
- Alice
- Alien (1989)
- Alien Blood
- Alien on Stage
- Alien 2: On Earth
- Aliens
- All Cheerleaders Die
- All the Boys Love Mandy Lane
- Alligator
- Alraune
- Alucarda
- AM1200
- The Amazing Transplant
- Amer
- America’s Deadliest Home Video
- American Perfekt
- American Psycho
- Amigo
- Amityville II: The Possession
- Ammoru
- An American Crime
- An American Werewolf in London
- The Amusement Park
- Anatomy
- The Angel and the Woman
- Angels and Cherubs
- Angst
- Anguish
- The Animal (1968)
- Annette
- Another Earth
- Antichrist
- Antiviral
- Aoom
- Apartment Zero
- Apocalypse (1998)
- The Apple
- The Apple War
- Apt Pupil
- The Arcane Sorcerer
- Arena Brains
- Army of The Dead
- Arrebato
- Asylum
- Asylum (1972)
- Atlantis (2019)
- Atrapados
- The Atrocity Exhibition
- Attack The Block
- The Baby
- Baby: Secret of the Lost Legend
- Baby Blood
- Bad Biology
- Bad Guy
- Bad Taste
- Bad Timing
- Bandh Darwaza
- Banned from Broadcast: Saiko! The Large Family
- Barrabas (1919)
- The Bat Whispers
- Batman: Mask of the Phantasm
- Battle Heater
- Battle Royale
- Battlefield Earth
- Baxter
- The Beasts
- Beatrice
- Beauty and The Beast (1978)
- The Bed Sitting Room
- Bedevilled
- The Beekeeper
- Beetlejuice
- Begotten
- The Beguiled
- A Bell from Hell
- Belladonna of Sadness (Kanashimi no Beradonna)
- Bellflower
- Benedetta
- Beneath
- Between Time and Timbuktu
- Beware! Children at Play
- The Beyond
- Beyond Dream’s Door
- Beyond Love and Evil (Philosophy in the Boudoir)
- Beyond the Black Rainbow
- Beyond the Darkness
- Beyond the Grave
- The Big Doll House
- Bill and Ted’s Bogus Journey
- A Biltmore Christmas
- Biotherapy
- Bird Talk
- Birth
- The Birthday Party
- Black Angel (1980)
- Black Candles
- Black Devil Doll
- Black Devil Doll from Hell
- The Black Gestapo
- Black Magic
- Black Magic 2
- Black Moon
- Black Sunday
- Black Widow
- A Blade in the Dark
- The Blind Beast
- Blind Beast vs. Killer Dwarf
- The Blind Owl
- The Blind Woman’s Curse
- The Blob (1988)
- Blobermouth
- Blonde
- Blood Beach
- Blood Delirium
- Blood Feast
- Blood for Dracula
- Blood Freak
- Blood Machines
- Blood of an Indian Fetish Cult
- Blood Rage
- Blood Simple
- The Blood-Spattered Bride
- Bloodstone
- Bloody Friday
- Bloody Pit of Horror
- Bluebeard
- Blue Sunshine
- Blue Velvet
- Body Double
- Body Troopers
- The Boogens
- The Boogey Man (1980)
- Bordello of Blood
- Born of Fire
- The Borrower
- The Box
- The Boxer’s Omen
- Boxing Helena
- Boy Makes Girl
- Brain Dead
- The Brain that Wouldn’t Die
- Brainstorm
- The Bride of Frank
- Brimstone and Treacle
- Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia
- The Brood
- The Brotherhood of Satan
- Bruiser
- Bucket of Blood (1934)
- Buddy Boy
- Buffet Froid
- Bug
- The ‘Burbs
- Burial Ground
- Buried Alive (1990)
- Burn Witch Burn!
- The Burning
- The Burning Buddha Man
- The Burning Hell
- The Butcher Boy
- Byzantium
- The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
- The Cable Guy
- Calamity of Snakes
- Caligula
- The Call of Cthulhu
- Can’t Stop the Music
- The Candy Snatchers
- Candyman
- Caniba
- Cannibal Apocalypse
- Cannibal Girls
- Cannibal Holocaust
- Cannibal Man
- Cape Fear (1991)
- Capone (2020)
- Capricci
- The Car
- Cargo 200
- Carne de Tu Carne (Bloody Flesh)
- Carol for Another Christmas
- The Carrier
- Castle Freak
- The Cat and the Canary
- Cat’s Eye
- Cats
- Cecil B. Demented
- Cemetery Man
- Censor
- Centurion
- Change of Mind
- The Changeling
- The Chekist
- Cherry Falls
- Chicken Park
- Children Shouldn’t Play with Dead Things!
- A Chinese Ghost Story (1987)
- A Chinese Ghost Story (1997)
- Christiane F.
- Christine
- Christmas Cruelty!
- A Christmas Horror Story
- Christmas On Mars
- The City of the Living Dead
- City Unplugged
- Class of 1999
- Cleopatra’s Second Husband
- A Clockwork Orange
- Closed Circuit
- Clouds
- The Coffee Table
- Colony
- Color Me Blood Red
- Color of Night
- Color Out of Space
- Combat Shock
- Come and See
- The Company of Wolves
- Confessions of A Psycho Cat
- Confessions of an Opium Eater
- Conquest
- Contagion
- Contamination
- The Cook, The Thief, His Wife and Her Lover
- Copperhead
- Coraline
- The Core
- The Cormorant
- Corpse Mania
- Corruption
- Cosmos
- Cowards Bend the Knee
- Crash (1996)
- Crash! (1977)
- The Crazy Family
- Crazy Love
- Creature 2013
- Creature From The Black Lagoon
- Creep
- Creepshow
- Crimes of the Future (1970)
- Crimetime
- The Crimson Sunset
- Cronos
- The Crow (1994)
- Cruel Ghost Legend
- Cry For Me, Billy
- The Cube (1969)
- Cube (1997)
- Curdled
- Cure
- The Curse
- Cyclops (1987)
- Dagon
- Dangerous Encounters of the First Kind (Don’t Play with Fire)
- Dante’s Inferno (1924)
- Dark (2017)
- The Dark
- Dark at Noon
- The Dark Backward
- Dark Corners
- Dark Night of the Scarecrow
- The Dark Planet
- The Dark Side of Love
- Dark Souls
- Dark Waters
- Darkman
- Darkness (T.M.A.)
- Darktown Strutters
- Das Experiment
- Daughters of Darkness
- A Day in the City
- The Day of Destruction
- The Day of the Beast
- Day of the Dead
- Day Watch
- A Day with the Boys
- Dead Again
- Dead Boyz Cant Fly
- Dead Leaves
- The Dead Next Door
- The Dead Pit
- Deadline (1980)
- Deadly Maria
- Deadly Run
- The Deadly Spawn
- Death Bed
- Death Game
- Death Laid an Egg
- Death Race 2000
- Death Rite (Les Magiciens)
- Death Warmed Up
- Deathdream
- The Deathmaker
- The Deaths of Ian Stone
- Dedicated to The Agean Sea
- Deep Water
- Defending Your Life
- Defenseless
- Deja Vu (Vec Vidjeno)
- The Deluge
- Dementia
- Dementia 13
- The Demon is on the Island (Le Demon Dans L’Ile)
- Demon Lover Diary
- Demon Pond (1979)
- Demons
- Denti (Teeth)
- Der Todesking
- Desert Spirits
- Deserters
- Despair
- The Devil and Daniel Mouse
- The Devil At Your Heels
- The Devils
- The Devil’s Rain
- Diabel
- Diabolique (1955)
- Diamond Pyramid
- The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie
- Dislocation
- Disney’s A Christmas Carol
- The Dividing Hour
- Django Kill!
- Doctor Petiot
- Dogma
- The Doll (1962)
- Dolls (1987)
- Dominion: Prequel to The Exorcist
- Don’t Deliver us From Evil
- Don’t Look At Me: David Lynch
- Don’t Look Now
- Don’t Open Till Christmas
- Donkey Skin
- Donovan’s Brain
- Doomed Love
- Doomsday
- The Door in the Wall
- The Double Life of Veronique
- Dr. Frankenstein on Campus (Flick)
- Dr. Jekyll and his Women
- Dr. Lamb
- Dr. Renault’s Secret
- Dracula Sucks
- Drag
- Drag Me to Hell
- Dread
- Dream Lover
- The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath
- Dreaming of Paradise
- Dreams that Money Can Buy
- Dreamwood
- The Duke of Burgundy
- Dumplings
- The Dunwich Horror
- Dust Box
- Dust Devil
- Dutch Wife in the Desert
- Eaten Alive (1976)
- Eating Raoul
- Ebola Syndrome
- Ecstatic Stigmatic
- El Amor Brujo
- El Hombre Desnudo (The Naked Man)
- El Nominado
- El Topo
- Elves
- The Embalmer
- Embrace of the Vampire
- The Enchantment
- End of the Line
- The End of the World (1916)
- The End of the World (1931)
- Enter The Void
- Epidemic
- Eraserhead
- The Erl-King
- Escape from Hell
- Escape from L.A.
- Escape from Tomorrow
- Esme, My Love
- The Eternal
- The Eternal Mask
- Etoile
- The Eve of Ivan Kupalo
- Even Dwarfs Started Small
- Evenings On A Farm Near Dikanka
- Evil Dead 2: Dead By Dawn
- Evil Words (Sur le Seuil)
- Evilspeak
- Executive Koala
- The Exorcist
- Exorcist 2: The Heretic
- Exotica
- Exposure
- Expulsion of the Devil
- Extremities
- Eyes of Fire
- The Fall of the House of Usher (1928)
- The Fall of the House of Usher (2021)
- The Falls (1980)
- Famine ’33
- Fangoria’s Weekend of Horrors
- Fangs
- The Fantastic Four (1994)
- Fantastic Planet
- Fantomas
- Farewell
- Farewell Johnny
- The Farmer
- Fatal Attraction
- Faust (1926)
- Faust (1994)
- Fear and Desire
- Fear Is The Master
- The Fearless Vampire Killers
- Femmine Carnivore
- The Fifth Element
- Fifty Million Years Ago
- 5150 Elm’s Way
- Five-Twenty Five-Seventy Seven (5-25-77)
- The Flesh Eaters
- Flesh Feast
- Flesh for Frankenstein
- Flooding
- The Folks at Red Wolf Inn
- Fool’s Fire
- The Fool Killer
- Forbidden World
- Four Hundred Ninety One (491)
- The Fourth Man
- Frankenstein (1910)
- Frankenstein Unbound
- Frankenstein’s Army
- Freak Orlando
- Freak Out
- Freaks
- Freakshow
- From Beyond
- From Inside
- From the Life of the Marionettes
- Frozen
- Fun in Balloonland
- Funny Games
- F/X 2
- Galaxy of Terror
- Game Over (36.15 Code Pere Noel)
- Ganja & Hess
- The Garbage Pail Kids Movie
- The Gardener
- Geek Maggot Bingo
- Gemini
- General Massacre
- Genuine
- Ghost Story of Yotsuya
- Ghosts that Still Walk
- Ghostwatch
- The Gift
- Ginseng King
- The Girl Next Door
- The Girl On A Broomstick
- The Girl Who Knew Too Much
- Girls on the Road
- Girly
- The Glove
- Go and Get It
- The Goalie’s Anxiety at the Penalty Kick
- The Goat and Her Three Kids
- The Goat Horn
- God Is My Witness (Khuda Gawah)
- Gods and Monsters
- Godzilla Minus One
- Going Berserk
- Goke, Body Snatcher From Hell
- The Gold of Love (Das Gold De Liebe)
- Golden Braid
- The Golden Key
- Golden Night (Nuit d’Or)
- Gong Tau: An Oriental Black Magic
- Goodbye Uncle Tom
- Goodnight, Halloween
- The Gorgon
- Gothic
- Gozu
- Grace
- Grand Guignol
- The Grandmother
- Grandmothers Recharge Well!
- The Grapes of Death
- Grave of the Vampire
- The Green Elephant
- Gremlins
- Grindhouse
- Grizzly II: Revenge
- Gummo
- A Gun for Jennifer
- Guyana: Cult of the Damned
- Habit
- Habitat
- Halimaw sa Banga
- Halloween (1978)
- Halloween (2018)
- Halloween II (1981)
- Halloween III: Season of the Witch
- Hammer of the Gods
- The Hand
- The Hand That Rocks The Cradle
- The Hanged Man
- Hanna D.
- Hansel and Gretel (1983)
- Happiness
- Har Har Mahadev
- Hard
- Hardware
- The Harvest
- Hatchet
- Haunted Castle
- Haunted Samurai
- The Haunting (1963)
- The Haunting of Julia (Full Circle)
- Hausu
- Haxan (Witchcraft Through the Ages)
- The Head
- Heart of A Dog
- Heartless
- Heaven Can Help
- Heavenly Creatures
- Hell House
- Hell of the Living Dead
- The Hellstrom Chronicle
- Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer
- Hero and the Terror
- Hex
- The Hidden
- Hideous!
- Hider in the House
- Highway 61
- Highway to Hell
- The Hills Have Eyes
- His Last Request
- Hitch-Hike
- Hitcher in the Dark
- Hobo with A Shotgun
- The Holy Mountain
- El Hombre Sin Rostro
- Home for the Holidays
- Homebodies
- Homicidal
- The Honeymoon Killers
- Horrors of Malformed Men
- Hour of the Wolf
- The Hourglass Sanatorium
- House of the Devil
- The House of the Seven Graves
- The House of the Yellow Carpet
- House of Usher
- House on the Edge of the Park
- The House on Tombstone Hill
- The House with Laughing Windows
- The Human Centipede (First Sequence)
- Humanoids from the Deep
- The Humans
- A Hunger Artist
- The Hunting Party
- I Believe in Santa Claus
- I Bury the Living
- I Drink Your Blood
- I Love You, Daddy
- I Melt With You
- I Spit on Your Grave
- I Was A Teenage Serial Killer
- Ice from the Sun
- If Footmen Tire You, What Will Horses Do?
- If I Were A Spy
- I’m Not Scared
- I’m Thinking of Ending Things
- Il Caso Valdemar
- Images
- Immortality (The Wisdom of Crocodiles)
- Impaktita
- In A Glass Cage
- In My Skin
- In the Highest of Skies
- In the Wall
- In Your Face! (Abar, the First Black Superman)
- Inauguration of the Pleasure Dome
- The Incredibly Strange Creatures who Stopped Living and Became Mixed-Up Zombies
- Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
- Inferno (1980)
- Infinity Pool
- Infra-Man
- Ingagi
- Ink
- Inland Empire
- Inner Senses
- Inside
- Interrogation
- Interview with the Vampire
- Intruder
- Invaders from Mars
- Invasion of the Body Snatchers
- Invisible Adversaries
- Invocation of My Demon Brother
- Irezumi (Tattoo)
- Irreversible
- The Island of Dr. Moreau (1996)
- Island of Lost Souls
- The Isle
- It Is Fine! Everything is Fine.
- It’s Alive
- It’s Alive III: Island of the Alive
- It Lives Again
- Ivan Vasilievich Changes His Profession
- La Cabina
- La Moustache
- La Tia Alejandra
- La Venere d’Ille
- Labyrinth of Dreams
- Labyrinth of Flower Garden
- Lady Exterminator (1977)
- Lady in A Cage
- Lady Terminator
- Ladybug Ladybug
- The Lair of the White Worm
- Lake of the Dead
- L’Ange
- Laserblast
- The Last Circus
- The Last Frankenstein
- Last House on Dead End Street
- Last House on the Beach
- The Last House on the Left (1972)
- The Last Man on Earth
- Last Night in Soho
- The Last Shark (Great White)
- The Last Spark of Hope
- The Last Supper
- The Last Wave
- The Laughing Dead (1989)
- Law and Order
- The Lawnmower Man (1992)
- Le Grand Depart
- Left Bank
- Lemora: A Child’s Tale of the Supernatural
- Leonor
- Les Cousines (From Ear to Ear)
- Let’s Scare Jessica to Death
- Let Me Go (The Right Way)
- Let the Right One In
- Letters from a Dead Man
- Lewd Lizard
- L’Inferno
- Lifeforce
- The Lighthouse Keepers
- Limbo (2021)
- Linnea Quigley’s Horror Workout
- Little Aurore’s Tragedy
- The Little Mermaid (1976)
- Little Otik
- Little Shop of Horrors (1986)
- Little Sisters
- Loft
- Lokis
- Lola (1986)
- Long Twilight
- Long Weekend
- Loren Cass
- The Lords of Salem
- The Lost
- The Lost Boys
- Lost Highway
- Lost in Space
- The Lottery
- Louis the 19th, King of the Airwaves
- Love and Human Remains
- Love Camp 7
- Love God
- Love Me Deadly
- Love Rites
- The Loved One
- Lucifer Rising
- Lucky
- Lucky Sky Diamond (Bloody Fragments on a White Wall)
- Luminous Moss (Hikarigoke)
- Luther the Geek
- Lux Æterna
- Macabre
- The Machine
- Maciste in Hell (1925)
- Mad Foxes
- Mad God
- Magic Hunter
- Magic of the Universe
- The Majestic
- Malpertuis
- Mama (Rock ‘n’ Roll Wolf)
- Man On A Swing
- The Man Who Thought Life
- The Mangler
- The Mansion of Madness
- The Mansion of the Living Dead
- The Manson Massacre
- The Manster
- Mantis in Lace
- Marat/Sade
- Marebito
- The Mark
- Marquis de Sade
- Marronnier
- Mars and April
- Martyrs
- Massacre At Central High
- Masha and Vitya’s New Year’s Adventures
- Masters of The Universe
- Matango: Attack of the Mushroom People
- Matinee
- The Matrix
- Maximum Overdrive
- Meat
- Medium (1985)
- The Medium
- Mega Shark Vs. Giant Octopus
- Megiddo: The Omega Code 2
- Memoria
- Men Behind the Sun
- Meshes in the Afternoon
- The Messiah (2007)
- Messiah of Evil
- Metal Skin
- Metamorphosis (2011)
- Michael Jackson’s Thriller
- Microwave Massacre
- Midnight Heat
- Midnight Movie (1994)
- Midori
- Midori: The Camellia Girl
- Midori-Ko
- The Mighty Peking Man
- Migrating Forms
- Mikadroid: Robokill Beneath Disco Club Layla
- Mill of the Stone Women
- Mimic
- Mind Game
- Miracle Mile
- The Misadventures of The New Satan (1964)
- Misery
- Moebius
- Mole
- The Monk (1972)
- Monsieur Robert Houdin
- The Monster Squad
- Monsters
- Monsturd
- Moonchild (1989)
- Moonlight Boy
- The Moor’s Head
- Morgiana
- Morozko (1924)
- Mosquito
- Mother Joan of The Angels
- Motherly
- Moutain of the Cannibal God
- The Movie Orgy
- Moving Violations
- Mulholland Drive
- Multiple Maniacs
- Mum & Dad
- The Mummy (1932)
- The Munsters (2022)
- Murder Loves Killers Too
- Murder One
- Murders in the Rue Morgue
- The Mushroom Man
- The Music of Erich Zann
- Mutant
- My Friends Need Killing
- My Soul is Slashed
- Myra Breckinridge
- The Mystery of Rampo
- The Mystery of the Third Planet
- Mystics in Bali
- Nadja
- Nagin
- Naked Tango
- Name Above Title
- The Nameless
- Naqoyqatsi
- Nasty
- The Navigator: A Medieval Odyssey
- Near Dark
- Necromania
- Necronomicon
- Necrophobia
- The Neighbor No. Thirteen
- Neither the Sea Nor the Sand
- Nemesis
- The Nest
- The Nest of the Cuckoo Birds
- Next of Kin
- Night Dreams
- Nightmare (2004)
- Nightmare Alley (2021)
- Nightmare City
- The Nightmare Never Ends (Cataclysm)
- A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)
- Nightwatch (Nattevagten)
- Night of the Comet
- Night of the Creeps
- Night of the Juggler
- Night of the Lepus
- Night on the Town
- The Night Porter
- The Night Stalker (1972)
- The Night Strangler
- Night Tide
- Night Warning
- Night Watch
- Nightbreed
- Ninja III: The Domination
- 99.9
- No Blade of Grass
- No Mercy, No Future
- No Telling
- The Noah
- Nocturna
- Nomads
- Normal Life
- The Northman
- Nosferatu the Vampyre
- Nothing
- Nothing But Trouble
- The Number 23
- Nutcracker: The Motion Picture
- Nutcracker Fantasy
- The Painted Bird
- Panic in High School
- Panic in Year Zero
- Paperhouse
- Paranormal Activity
- Parasite Eve
- Parents
- Paris Champagne
- A Party in Hell
- The Passions of Carol
- Patty Hearst
- Peeping Tom
- The People Under the Stairs
- The People Who Own the Dark
- Perfect Strangers
- Perfume
- Phantom of the Paradise
- Philosophy of A Knife
- Phra Rot-Meri
- Pickman’s Muse
- Picnic at Hanging Rock
- Pieces
- Piege
- Piggy
- Pin
- Pink Lady’s Motion Picture
- Pinocchio (2019)
- Pinocchio 964
- Pinocchio and The Emperor of The Night
- Piranha
- Plan 9 From Outer Space
- Planet of the Vampires
- The Platform
- Play Misty for Me
- Polanski Unauthorized
- The Polar Express
- Poltergeist
- Poltergeist II: The Other Side
- Poltergeist III
- Pontypool
- Porcile
- The Portrait (1915)
- Possessor
- A Prayer for Hetman Mazepa
- Prey (2021)
- Prime Cut
- Prince of Darkness
- Prison Break (1969)
- Private Parts
- Private Property
- Professor Dowell’s Testament
- Prometheus Triumphant
- Prophecy (1979)
- Providence
- The Psychic
- Puffball
- Pulse (Kairo)
- Pumpkinhead
- The Punk
- Purana Mandir
- Purgatory (Chistilischche)
- Purple Haze
- Purple Noon
- Puss Bucket
- Raat
- Rabid Dogs
- Rampage (1987/92)
- The Rape After
- Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale
- Rat Man
- Rat Pfink A Boo Boo
- The Rat Savior
- Rats–Night of Terror
- Raw Meat
- Rawhead Rex
- Recompence
- Red
- Red and Rosy
- Red Dawn (1984)
- Red Eye
- Red Rooms
- Red To Kill
- The Reflecting Skin
- The Refrigerator
- Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins
- Renegade
- The Reptile
- Reptilicus
- Repulsion
- Requiem
- Return to Glennascaul
- Return to Oz
- The Returning
- Revolution #9
- Riding the Bullet
- Right at Your Door
- The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
- Ring: Kanzenban
- Ringu
- Rituals
- River’s Edge
- Robo Vampire
- Robot
- Robot Carnival
- Rollerball (2002)
- Rolling Thunder
- Room
- The Roost
- Ruby
- The Ruins
- The Sabbath
- The Saddest Music in the World
- The Sadist with Red Teeth
- The Sadness
- Sadness of the Anthropophagi
- Safe
- Saint Martyrs of the Damned
- Salo or the 120 Days of Sodom
- Salome (1972)
- Sampoona Ramayana
- The Sandman
- Santa and The Ice Cream Bunny
- Santa Claus (versus Satan)
- Santa Sangre
- Santa’s Christmas Elf (Named Calvin)
- Santa’s Slay
- The Saragossa Manuscript
- Satanis, the Devil’s Mass
- Saurians
- The Savage Hunt of King Stach
- Savages (1972)
- Save the Green Planet!
- Scanners
- School Ties
- Screamers (Island of the Fishmen)
- Screwed
- Séance
- The Secret Life of Sarah Sheldon
- Secrets of A Soul
- The Sect
- Seeding of A Ghost
- Seizure
- The Sender
- Sensitive Spots
- A Serbian Film
- Serial Mom
- Serie Noire
- Series 7
- The Serpent’s Egg
- The Servant
- Seven Days
- The Severed Arm
- Seytan
- The Shadowed Mind
- Shadows of the Mind
- Shake, Rattle & Roll
- Shallow Grave
- She Dies Tomorrow
- She Freak
- The Ship of Monsters
- Shivers
- Shock
- A Shock to the System
- Shocker
- Shogun Assassin
- Shoot
- The Shout
- The Shuttered Room
- Shy People
- The Signal
- Silent Hill
- The Silent House (2010)
- Silent Resident
- Silver Bullet
- The Silver Globe
- The Sinful Dwarf
- Singapore Sling
- Single White Female
- Sister My Sister
- Sisters
- Sinthia, the Devil’s Doll
- Six Days, Six Nights
- Six-Hundred & Sixty Six
- The Sixth Sense
- The Skin I Live In
- Skinamarink
- Skinner
- Slaughter of the Vampires
- Slaxx
- Sleepy Hollow
- Slithis
- Small White House
- Smile
- Smooth Talk
- Snakes on A Plane
- Snuff
- Society
- Sodom and Gomorrah: The Last Seven Days
- Soldier Blue
- Sombre
- Some Call It Loving
- Something Wild
- Son of Ingagi
- Sonny Boy
- Sorgoi Prakov
- Soul Vengeance
- Southern Comfort
- Southland Tales
- Soy Leyenda
- Space Sweepers
- Special Effects
- Spider Baby
- The Spider Will Kill You
- Spike of Love
- The Spirit Gallery
- The Spirit of the Beehive
- Splice
- Split (1989)
- Split Second
- Spontaneous Combustion
- Sport, Sport, Sport
- Squareworld
- Stage Fright (1987)
- Stake Land
- Stalker
- Star Time
- The Star Wars Holiday Special
- Starman
- Starship Troopers
- Stash
- The Stepfather
- Stoker
- The Stone Tape
- Stop!
- The Story of Rebecca
- A Story of The Forest: Mavka
- Stowaway
- The Straight Story
- Straightheads (Closure)
- Strange Days
- The Strange Thing About the Johnsons
- Strangers in Paradise
- Strangler Versus Strangler
- Street Trash
- Stuck
- The Substance
- The Substitute (1993)
- The Substitute (2008)
- Suicide Circle
- Suicide Cult
- Summer of Sam
- The Suns of Easter Island
- Super Mario Bros.
- Super Xuxa Versus Satan
- Superbman: The Other Movie
- Surrender Dorothy
- Surveillance
- Survival of the Dead
- Surviving Life
- Survivor Type (2012)
- Suture
- Swallow
- The Swarm (2020)
- Sweet Home
- Sweetie
- Swimming Pool
- Swissmade
- Sybil
- Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance
- Syngenor
- Szamanka
- Take An Easy Ride
- Taking Tiger Mountain
- A Tale of Two Sisters
- Tales from the Darkside: The Movie
- Tales from the Quadead Zone
- Tales of the Dumpster Kid
- Tales of the Third Dimension
- The Tango of the Widower
- Targets
- Taxidermia
- Technotise: Edit and I
- Teen Wolf
- Teeth
- Ten Monologues from the Lives of the Serial Killers
- The Tenant
- Terror Above The Sunset Strip
- Terror Is A Man
- The Testimony of Randolph Carter
- The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)
- The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Part 2
- Thanatomorphose
- The Theatre of Mr. and Mrs. Kabal
- Them (2005)
- They Came Back
- They Live
- Things
- Thirst (1980)
- Thirst (2009)
- Thirteen Ghosts (1960)
- This is Me…Now
- Threads
- Three (3 Extremes II)
- Three Identical Strangers
- Three O’Clock High
- Three Thousand Years of Longing
- The Thrill Killers
- Thriller—A Cruel Picture
- Through the Looking Glass
- Thundercrack!
- Tideland
- Tiere (Animals)
- Time
- Timecrimes
- The Timekeepers of Eternity
- Tis Pity She’s A Whore
- Tis Pity She’s A Whore (1980)
- Titane
- To Be Twenty
- To Kill A Man
- To The Devil…A Daughter
- The Todd Killings
- Tokyo Blood
- Tokyo Fist
- Tomie
- Topor and Me
- Total Therapy
- Tower of Evil
- The Town That Dreaded Sundown
- Toys
- Track 29
- Tragos: A Cyber-Noir Witch Hunt
- Trail of Blood
- Trance (Der Fan)
- Trancers
- Trans-Europ-Express
- The Treasure Planet
- Tribulation 99
- Trick or Treat
- Trick ‘r Treat
- The Trigger Effect
- Trigger Man
- Trilogy of Terror
- Trip to Moon (1967)
- Troll
- Troll 2
- Trollhunter
- Tromeo & Juliet
- Trouble Every Day
- Tumbbad
- Twelve Oh One PM (12:01 PM)
- Twenty-Five Fireman’s Street
- Twentynine Palms
- Twilight (1990)
- Twilight of the Cockroaches
- Twilight Zone: The Movie
- Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me
- Twisted Issues
- Twisted Sisters
- Two
- Two Evil Eyes
- Two Orphan Vampires
- Two Thousand Maniacs!
- Valerian and the City of A Thousand Planets
- Valerie and Her Week of Wonders
- Vali
- Vamp
- Vampira and Me
- Vampire (1979)
- Vampire’s Kiss
- The Vampire is Alive
- Variola Vera
- The Vast of Night
- Veerana
- Vengeance Is Mine
- Vera
- Vidocq
- Violence Voyager
- Violent Shit
- The Visitor
- Viy (The Vij)
- Vlad Tepes
- Voices Within
- Vrooom Vroom Vroooom
- Wake in Fright
- The Wandering Earth
- The War Game
- The Ward
- Warlock
- Warning Shadows
- The Warrior
- The Watcher in The Woods
- The Water Spider
- Welcome Home, Soldier Boys
- We’re Going to Eat You
- Werckmeister Harmonies
- Whale Music
- What Is It?
- What’s the Matter With Helen?
- The Whip and the Body
- Whirlpool
- The White Alligator
- White Dog
- White of the Eye
- Who Can Kill a Child?
- Why Does Herr R. Run Amok?
- Wicked
- Wicked City (1987)
- Wild At Heart
- Wind Chill
- Window to Paris
- Winter Brothers
- Wir
- Witch With Flying Head
- The Witches (1990)
- Witchfinder General
- The Wizard of Gore
- Wizards
- WNUF Halloween Special
- Wohi Bhayanak Raat
- Wolf
- Wolf Creek
- The Wolf House
- The Wolf Man
- Wolfguy: Enraged Lycanthrope
- A Woman Kills
- A Woman Possessed
- The Woman
- Woodlands Dark and Days Bewitched: A History of Pulp Horror
- The World’s Greatest Sinner