To many horror fans DAY OF THE DEAD, the third in George Romero’s “Dead” saga, is a genre masterpiece. Not me!
To many horror fans DAY OF THE DEAD, the third in George Romero’s “Dead” saga, is a genre masterpiece. Not me!
So-so PG-rated comic book horror scripted by Stephen King and directed by George Romero
One of the unfortunate realities of being a movie buff, especially a bad movie buff, is running into—or better yet, stepping in—“films” like those listed below
The subtitle says it all: “How A Few Eccentric Outsiders Gave us Nightmares, Conquered Hollywood, and Invented Modern Horror”
The following encompasses my picks for the year’s best and worst horror films released in the US in 2005
What follows are my fifty favorite horror movies of all time
In the field of horror one name stands above all others: Edgar Allan Poe (January 19, 1809-October 7, 1849)
For true horror movie fans, horror moviemakers are as venerated as the films they make. Just check out some of the books about our horror heroes
Yes, it’s another report on yet another LA area Fangoria Weekend of Horrors
January of 2008 saw the release of CLOVERFIELD, a digitally shot monster mash. A month later George Romero’s DIARY OF THE DEAD appeared, another digital freak-out