A particularly fine entry in the Eric J. Guignard edited EXPLORING DARK FICTION anthology series
A particularly fine entry in the Eric J. Guignard edited EXPLORING DARK FICTION anthology series
Bleak is the word for this 2019 Russian made dystopian parable
2020 was a hell of a year
A much-needed addendum to a previous essay, with an overview of weird holiday-themed films emerging from around the world
What follows are the type of little-known films that tend to comprise my “Look Back in Bedlam” listings, of which this is the 1982 entry
If ever a show shouldn’t have worked it was this one, yet somehow MAX HEADROOM emerged as one of the great American TV programs of the decade
One of the better made-for-TV movies directed by the visionary and prolific András Rajnai, a pioneer in the Hungarian TV field
If this year proves anything it’s that the rosy view of the eighties that has taken hold is complete bullcrap
a 1968 science fiction themed three parter from Switzerland that’s known primarily for the fact that one of its segments was designed (not directed, as the imdb erroneously reports) by the late H.R. Giger
SPLIT is simply one of the world’s great unknown science fiction films