1988: The Year in Bedlam
I really hate to keep repeating myself in my year-end summations, but I just have to say it: 1988 was an abysmal year for movies
I really hate to keep repeating myself in my year-end summations, but I just have to say it: 1988 was an abysmal year for movies
Here, in the latest edition of my Year in Bedlam film listings, we leave the nineties behind and enter the eighties, which many claim was the worst decade in cinema history
Here, in the latest installment of my Look Back in Bedlam at the year’s more obscure and underappreciated films, we arrive at 1990
1991 wasn’t an especially auspicious year for movies, but it was a formative one for this (once) young cineaste
For me the cinema of 1992 will always be shadowed by one all-encompassing real-life event: the rioting that took place on April 29 to May 4 in Los Angeles
Looking back over 1993, I’ve found it was quite an auspicious year for movies
The books of 2018? There’s really not much to say, outside my usual observation that the really good stuff often lurks outside the mainstream
Here it is, my latest Look Back in Bedlam overview of the previous year’s happenings that are of particular interest to this site
Some great films premiered in 1995, including Michael Mann’s HEAT, Todd Haynes’s SAFE and Mike Figgis’s LEAVING LAS VEGAS
Continuing with my time-reversed year-end film listings, we come to 1997