A “Terrible and disgusting” (so claimed JFK) 1960 indie? Perhaps, but it’s also a good one.
A “Terrible and disgusting” (so claimed JFK) 1960 indie? Perhaps, but it’s also a good one.
In which the problem of the miscast director, Sam Raimi in this case, comes into play
Easily one of the strongest “horror” movies of 2011
An attention-getting, if not necessarily “good,” no-budgeter containing sex, eugenics and a penis monster
If you’re willing to put up with an abundance of low budget distraction you’ll find this to be one of the most interesting Canadian films of the 1980s
A solid, if not entirely satisfying, overview of the life and output of the late Paul Bartel
The long-in-coming memoir of filmmaker Stuart Gordon (1947-2020), a book he spent a great deal of his final years writing
An unabashed puff piece that nonetheless emerges as the definitive resource on all things BILLY JACK
1970s horticultural horror that features the legendary male sex symbol Joe Dallesandro in his first non-Andy Warhol affiliated film
The aesthetic qualities of John Carpenter’s films are certainly worth enumerating. My interest here is in how those films and their maker transformed Hollywood