The materpiece of France’s Raymond Roussel, and one of the most astonishing displays of unfettered imagination I’ve ever experienced
The materpiece of France’s Raymond Roussel, and one of the most astonishing displays of unfettered imagination I’ve ever experienced
Raymond Roussel may well be the strangest writer of all time and this 1910 novel offers ample proof of that claim
Initially published back in 1965, CHOICE CUTS is, despite some affecting passages, strictly a product of its time
There are worse ways to waste 104 minutes.
Was ETERNAL SUNSHINE OF THE SPOTLESS MIND (2004) directly inspired by JE T’AIME JE T’AIME (1968)? Most likely.
The most iconic film made by France’s Henri-Georges Clouzot, DIABOLIQUE was the reason he was branded the “Gallic Hitchcock.”
In which I make the heretical confession that I prefer the Americanized recut of EYES WITHOUT A FACE to the original version
The vision on display in this graphic novel is a dark and unsettling one marked by blood, slime and decay
A surrealist prank of a movie from the incomparable Luis Buñuel
A macabre anthology from France’s Maurice Sandoz that pivots on madness