From China, a heavily stylized sci-fi satire
From China, a heavily stylized sci-fi satire
A once-outlandish French-Canadian comedy about a thoroughly Average Joe who finds himself the star of a reality TV program
On February 15, 2025, one of America’s most individual, and least known, filmmakers left us
Let’s face it: the movies of 2024 by and large sucked
A self-proclaimed “grotesque masterpiece” about just what the title promises
“Valley girls at the end of the world” was the pitch by writer-director Thom Eberhardt for this low budgeter from 1984
2024’s major shock-fest, containing all the things that make Spanish horror great
A 1998 film that in its pitiless depictions of loneliness, jealousy and boredom is more relevant to the iPhone age than the time in which it was made
The “institutional comedy” model, established in 1984 by POLICE ACADEMY, was given a fair-to-middling workout in this science fiction-tinged comedy
One of the best afterlife comedies on the market