2024: Bedlam in Print
Another year, another underwhelming showing from the mainstream publishing industry
Another year, another underwhelming showing from the mainstream publishing industry
DUNE: the novels, films and everything else
When contemplating this horrific graphic novel I find that several terms invariably recur, namely bizarre, dreamlike, enigmatic and surreal
Concluding my 2019 overviews is this, the latest edition of Bedlam in Print, exploring the noteworthy publications of the previous twelve months
Here, in the latest edition of my Year in Bedlam film listings, we leave the nineties behind and enter the eighties, which many claim was the worst decade in cinema history
Yet another tragic celebrity death? I’m afraid so. The dear departed this time around is the great William Goldman, one of my longtime heroes
Assembling a best-books-of-the-year list is always a dicey proposition. Quite simply, nobody can be expected to track down and read every worthwhile book printed over the course of the previous year…
What follows is the latest installment of the Year in Bedlam overview of the previous year’s best and worst movies, according to yours-truly
Here it is, the first installment of my “Bedlam in Print” overview of the previous year’s publishing output.
Reading this thoroughly bizarre, spiritually infused graphic novel from Ukrainian writer/illustrator Igor Baranko, I couldn’t help but wonder if Alejandro Jodorowsky had a hand in its creation.