The undoubted masterpiece of Lucio Fulci, a crazed and surreal gorefest that’s irresistible, even if it doesn’t make much sense
The undoubted masterpiece of Lucio Fulci, a crazed and surreal gorefest that’s irresistible, even if it doesn’t make much sense
A film as influential to the horror genre as any of the biggies (DRACULA, THE EXORCIST, etc.), Sam Raimi’s EVIL DEAD II: DEAD BY DAWN introduced a near-revolutionary mix of slapstick and horror
The final installment of George Romero’s DEAD saga is about on par with his previous efforts LAND OF THE DEAD and DIARY OF THE DEAD: flawed in many respects, but pretty good for the most part
Possibly the farthest the screen has ever taken the ARABIAN NIGHTS story-within-a-story motif, this distinctly literary exercise is not a film for the uncommitted viewer
Those familiar with the no-budget auteur Bookwalter’s work won’t be surprised to hear that the shot-on-video SANDMAN isn’t very good…but then, it’s not all that bad, either
Yes, we all know the dreaded “millennium bug” was a joke, but you’re advised to catch Y2K: SHUT DOWN DETECTED, an extremely slick little film marred only by the fact that it really should have been longer
From the talented Lucky McKee, a really stupid zombie gorefest that, if one is willing to shut one’s brain down for eighty minutes, is actually kind of fun
There’s never been a zombie movie like PONTYPOOL, a Canadian import with possibly the nuttiest explanation for zombiedom I’ve ever encountered
This movie sucks, pure and simple
A French anti-war “classic” notable for its horrific climax