The materpiece of France’s Raymond Roussel, and one of the most astonishing displays of unfettered imagination I’ve ever experienced
The materpiece of France’s Raymond Roussel, and one of the most astonishing displays of unfettered imagination I’ve ever experienced
“Valley girls at the end of the world” was the pitch by writer-director Thom Eberhardt for this low budgeter from 1984
A Gary Brandner novel that matches up with most other Gary Brandner novels is passable
Some commentators would have you believe this film is one of John Carpenter’s biggest failures, while others maintain that it’s a masterwork—I say both views are wrong
The latest installment of my annual overview of the previous year’s noteworthy film releases
The latest installment of my annual overview of the previous year’s Bedlam Files-friendly publications
The making of SHAUN OF THE DEAD is covered with admirable thoroughness in this beautifully designed book
Here, in the early days of 2021, is the latest edition of my annual Bedlam in Print overview
Bedlam was indeed the word for 2020 and (as of January 10) 2021 as well
Netflix’s major 2021 summer tent-pole was this Zack Snyder directed zombie blow-out