“Whoever reads this book will become insane at least once”
“Whoever reads this book will become insane at least once”
An astounding hour long documentary chronicling the “Disco Sex Guru” Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (1931-1990), who together with a bevy of followers literally took over the town of Antelope, Oregon in 1981
A gaudily designed coffee table art book by the incomparable David Lynch
A once-outlandish French-Canadian comedy about a thoroughly Average Joe who finds himself the star of a reality TV program
A graphic novel that’s plenty weird, with a narrative that leans rather heavily into the perverse and psychosexual
Here’s an embarrassing admission: until recently I was an Oscar nerd
A blaxploitation movie parody that’s funny, illuminating and often downright ugly
The Second sequel to POLTERGEIST, and about on par with the first, which is to say a mixed bag: bombastic, cynical and plain dumb, but with some affecting elements
A lousy movie, yes, but one that actually improves upon its predecessor in many respects.
The 1972 magnum opus of the late underground film legend James Broughton