As the back cover inquires, “Have you ever sautéed geometrical sex or eaten fate from the breasts of Minerva?”
As the back cover inquires, “Have you ever sautéed geometrical sex or eaten fate from the breasts of Minerva?”
Here, in the early days of 2021, is the latest edition of my annual Bedlam in Print overview
The logical successor to classic mindbenders like PROVIDENCE and MULHOLLAND DRIVE
Bedlam was indeed the word for 2020 and (as of January 10) 2021 as well
A much-needed addendum to a previous essay, with an overview of weird holiday-themed films emerging from around the world
From Japan, a stop motion epic in the mold of the classic Rankin-Bass Christmas specials that’s deeply, thoroughly and profoundly weird
What follows are the type of little-known films that tend to comprise my “Look Back in Bedlam” listings, of which this is the 1982 entry
Here we’re going back to a very particular time and place: the Soviet Union, circa 1988
Exotic Dancers and the devil: a curiously appropriate pairing, especially in Europe
A surreal novella of a type that only England’s Eibonvale Press seems equipped to turn out