The Second sequel to POLTERGEIST, and about on par with the first, which is to say a mixed bag: bombastic, cynical and plain dumb, but with some affecting elements
The Second sequel to POLTERGEIST, and about on par with the first, which is to say a mixed bag: bombastic, cynical and plain dumb, but with some affecting elements
A lousy movie, yes, but one that actually improves upon its predecessor in many respects.
Let’s face it: the movies of 2024 by and large sucked
A look back at all things Bedlam
One of the great curiosities of late Twentieth Century American cinema was the monster success of THE CANNONBALL RUN in 1981
It’s no longer the mind-blower it once was, but Wes Craven’s 1984 classic remains an attention-getter
A film that plays like it was made by the Joker himself and, I say, a worthwhile effort
A 30-year-old nineties time capsule that’s well worth a revisit
All about BEETLEJUICE BEETLEJUICE and why it exists
About the late blaxploitaiton auteur Jamaa Fanaka, who combined urban grit and sheer weirdness