2024: Bedlam in Print
Another year, another underwhelming showing from the mainstream publishing industry
Another year, another underwhelming showing from the mainstream publishing industry
A unique movie novelization from one of the top novelizers of the 1970s and 80s
Movie Novelizations: the good, the bad and the hard to find!
In which the 1978 Southern-fried slasher of that title gets the Brad Carter novelization treatment
From Dean Koontz, a movie novelization that’s not one of his better books
A novelization as weird as just about any you’ll read, and no wonder: the film it novelizes, the 1974 science fiction oddity ZARDOZ, is one of the absolute nuttiest releases of its decade
March, 2022 marked a most auspicious anniversary: the centennial of NOSFERATU, EINE SYMPHONIE DES GRAUENS
The latest installment of my annual overview of the previous year’s Bedlam Files-friendly publications
A book about movie novelizations–I can’t see how it could possibly NOT be a must-read
This, the premiere work of prose fiction by Quentin Tarantino, is in many respects just like his films