If there’s such a thing as a New Years thriller then 1995’s STRANGE DAYS is certainly an ideal candidate
If there’s such a thing as a New Years thriller then 1995’s STRANGE DAYS is certainly an ideal candidate
The latest installment of my annual Year in Bedlam overview
‘Nuff said!
The life story of the one and only Lance Henriksen
A vision of Hell that in originality, ingenuity and inspiration rivals the classics
Here I’ll focus on the sole element relating to THE TERMINATOR that hasn’t already been picked over and/or argued about to death: the two novelizations it inspired
Here we have China’s attempt at Hollywood-styled blockbuster moviemaking: an unapologetically loud, unharmonious science fiction themed epic that prizes aggressive escapism above all else
What follows is the latest installment of the Year in Bedlam overview of the previous year’s best and worst movies, according to yours-truly
That title refers to Guillermo del Toro’s proposed adaptation of H.P. Lovecraft’s AT THE MOUNTAINS OF MADNESS.
One of the great vampire movies, and in my view the best-ever film by director Kathryn Bigelow