Confessions of A Recovering Oscar Viewer
Here’s an embarrassing admission: until recently I was an Oscar nerd
Here’s an embarrassing admission: until recently I was an Oscar nerd
A look back at David Lynch’s fifty-plus year career in film, decade by decade
One of the world’s premiere examples of abstract filmmaking
Let’s face it: the movies of 2024 by and large sucked
A look back at all things Bedlam
A graphic novel biography of Quentin Tarantino that is, as the front cover makes clear, “Unofficial and Unauthorized”
Exactly what you’d expect from a filmmaker who’s often called the modern day Ed Wood: grammatically suspect, often uproarious and downright pissy
It’s no longer the mind-blower it once was, but Wes Craven’s 1984 classic remains an attention-getter
A 1998 film that in its pitiless depictions of loneliness, jealousy and boredom is more relevant to the iPhone age than the time in which it was made
Looking back over the career of a true renaissance filmmaker