1996’s “Cutting Moments” is, quite simply, one of the most powerful short films of any sort to emerge in the last 30 years
1996’s “Cutting Moments” is, quite simply, one of the most powerful short films of any sort to emerge in the last 30 years
ANOMALIES AND CURIOSITIES OF MEDICINE by George M. Gould and Walter L. Pyle is easily the most famous and widely read medical text of all time, and with good reason.
The full title of this 1976 Swiss curio is MOSQUITO DER SCHAENDER (MOSQUITO THE RAPIST), meaning it is NOT to be confused 1995’s big bug bummer MOSQUITO
Yes, this is a real movie and that’s its actual title: MONSTURD, the world’s first and thus far only monster turd movie
Clocking in at just 54 minutes, this film is gory, audacious and romantic, and can’t be faulted for being too long
This Hong Kong shocker has attained near-legendary status among extreme movie buffs, and is indeed a shocking, traumatizing film
Quite simply the grossest of the gross: a disgusting, pandering, ultra-graphic sleaze fest from Italy’s notorious Joe D’Amato
We all knew this was coming: a completely over-the-top horror-exploitation movie about the Ebola virus!
Another eighties-era gorefest that adds up to very little conceptually but excels in manic inspiration. It’s about bums who get a hold of flesh-melting hooch—plenty of grue ensues!
This Canadian production is the most ambitious film to date by Canada’s highly idiosyncratic Vincenzo Natali. It suffers from a somewhat haphazard narrative but is still one of most memorable films of 2010