Another case of a “lost” film that’s become an extremely sought-after item among horror buffs but, now that it’s finally been unearthed, turns out to be a disappointment
Another case of a “lost” film that’s become an extremely sought-after item among horror buffs but, now that it’s finally been unearthed, turns out to be a disappointment
A trashier-than-average Jim Jones cash-in, directed by Rene Cardona Jr. and featuring several slumming movie stars
A reasonably potent 1996 addition to the female revenge movie subgenre that was never commercially released in the U.S
The film that started the retro-grindhouse movie craze, a raucous 3-hour double feature intended to replicate the grindhouse moviegoing experience of the 1970s and 80s
This film’s constantly mutating storyline, increasingly eerie atmosphere and graphic violence make for a true rarity: a unique take on a hidebound genre
A cannibal-themed comedy-horror movie originally released in 1972, predating similar films such as MOTEL HELL and PARENTS
Get ready, because this is quite simply the most hackle-raising, mind-blowing, screamingly offensive exploitation movie of all time!
Seventies-sploitation with a promising premise—an ex con with a grudge lets loose with a super-glove—but extremely boring execution
A worthless movie by most any standard, though historically important as the first true “Nazi-sploitation” flick
There exist better known films in the splatter movie pantheon, and certainly better made ones, but you’ll have a difficult time finding a meaner, nastier film