CREEPSHOW The Graphic Novel
A most welcome reprinting of what until 2017 was one of Stephen King’s scarcest books
A most welcome reprinting of what until 2017 was one of Stephen King’s scarcest books
Welcome to the first installment of my “Year in Bedlam” end-of-the-year movie rankings.
The horror movie genre, like any other, contains more than its share of overpraised clunkers
I’ve shunned most of the zombie apocalypse novels currently packing bookstore shelves, but did read DYING TO LIVE: LIFE SENTENCE, which turned out to be an above-average entry in every respect.
If there’s one thing horror fans can’t seem to get enough of these days it’s the living dead.
After an eight-year absence George Romero, one of the horror film’s grand masters, returns. BRUISER doesn’t live up to Romero’s best work but it’s not a complete disaster, either
The final installment of George Romero’s DEAD saga is about on par with his previous efforts LAND OF THE DEAD and DIARY OF THE DEAD: flawed in many respects, but pretty good for the most part
Those familiar with the no-budget auteur Bookwalter’s work won’t be surprised to hear that the shot-on-video SANDMAN isn’t very good…but then, it’s not all that bad, either
No-budget goofiness that’s enjoyable, imaginative and, surprisingly, quite politically astute
A dream project for longtime horror buffs, or so it seemed, this two-parter teamed George Romero and Dario Argento, each delivering an hour-long adaptation of an Edgar Allen Poe story