eemingly everyone has praised this novel to the skies, and after reading it I’ll have to say that in this case everyone is right. A first novel of uncommon nuance and conviction, THE BIRTHING HOUSE has a probing intelligence and depth of characterization that aren’t supposed to be able to co-exist with supernatural scares. Those wanting a primer on what’s wrong with much of today’s horror fiction should read this book, as it gets most everything right!
This is the graphic novel adaptation of Lucio Fulci’s 1981 splatter masterpiece THE BEYOND
Fiction, Video Clip
The altogether outrageous account of a pithecanthrope, or ape-man.
Another enjoyably depraved relic from the anything-goes seventies.
Commentary, Video Clip
Today marks the 40th anniversary of the June 20, 1975 release of Steven Spielberg’s JAWS
Continuing with my takes on cinematic underachievers, we come to France’s Jerome Boivin.
It’s a fact that South Africa isn’t exactly known for quality cinema. The “best” South African film, after all, is widely reputed to be Jamie Uys’ patronizing and nonsensical comedy THE GODS MUST BE CRAZY. With that in mind it’s hardly a surprise that when choosing worthwhile South African horror flicks the pickings tend to be slim…
Of the many authors to emerge from the horror boom of the 1970s, the late Ken Greenhall remains one of the most unfairly neglected–and also one of the most mysterious
One of John Carpenter’s all-around best films, a darkly comedic haunted car chiller that’s dated extremely well.
An Italian take-off on JURASSIC PARK—and my God, what a piece of shit!