A gaudily designed coffee table art book by the incomparable David Lynch
A gaudily designed coffee table art book by the incomparable David Lynch
This 1945 novel is considered the masterpiece of the “French Kafka” Marcel Bealu (1908-1993)
The 1972 magnum opus of the late underground film legend James Broughton
Another year, another underwhelming showing from the mainstream publishing industry
One of the world’s premiere examples of abstract filmmaking
A novella that is, frankly, a mess. It is, however, a mighty fascinating mess packed with literary allusions, autobiographical shading and a highly picturesque scope
This 22-minute jaw-dropper can be termed the AI movie to end all AI movies
A 1970s era Philip K. Dick wannabe, and one of the better examples
A four-part comic book saga that appeared in 1987, a boom time for adult comics
Probably the most memorable film yet made by James Fotopoulos, whose career-long debt to David Lynch’s ERASERHEAD is most evident in MIGRATING FORMS