An astounding hour long documentary chronicling the “Disco Sex Guru” Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (1931-1990), who together with a bevy of followers literally took over the town of Antelope, Oregon in 1981
An astounding hour long documentary chronicling the “Disco Sex Guru” Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (1931-1990), who together with a bevy of followers literally took over the town of Antelope, Oregon in 1981
It certainly seemed like a good idea: a Russian American co-production in which six world class directors partook in “the gigantic cinematic canvas of historical change in Russia,”
This 1989 French TV profile is one of the more fascinating documentaries on the late David Lynch
Let’s face it: the movies of 2024 by and large sucked
Or: 1925’s other dinosaur movie
Ten standout moviemaking-themed horror novels
The “Most Amazing, Incredible, Remarkable True Story Ever Told”?
What this altogether fascinating found footage horror movie from Japan proves is that the land of the rising sun was and is the epicenter of the format
The latest installment of my annual overview of the previous year’s noteworthy film releases
Dadist subversion in the form of a satirical quasi-documentary portrait of Stockholm, circa 1956