A halfway worthwhile film, meaning its first half is provocative and compelling, and its second not so much
A halfway worthwhile film, meaning its first half is provocative and compelling, and its second not so much
Yes, children: 1999’s THE MATRIX was once the coolest thing around
Here, in the early days of 2021, is the latest edition of my annual Bedlam in Print overview
2020 was a hell of a year
The second feature by Brandon Cronenberg, who as in his first (2012’s ANTIVIRAL), created a film that’s heavily informed by the work of his father David
It’s been said of TOMIE that there is “nothing in Western horror literature, cinema and comics quite like it.” Not unless you take into account the 1989 novella RED HEDZ, revised as SZMONHFU and JANE’S GAME
This hefty study of David Cronenberg’s THE BROOD is, quite simply, the most thorough and wide-ranging textual analysis of a horror movie ever written
You probably know this novel as the inspiration for David Cronenberg’s DEAD RINGERS (1988), which was a rare instance of a film adaptation surpassing its source novel
From a cinematic standpoint 1996 can be viewed as the beginning of the end on two counts
The following marks the inaugural entry in a new and ambitious project: an overview of my favorite films from each year, starting with 2000 and working my way backward