The latest and most comprehensive collection of stories by Canada’s master of elegantly drafted bizarrie Alexander Zelenyj
The latest and most comprehensive collection of stories by Canada’s master of elegantly drafted bizarrie Alexander Zelenyj
The one and only killer pants movie
An ambitious horror novel by a prominent Canadian author that suffers, in a not-uncommon issue, from seriously trashy packaging
The latest edition of my Year in Bedlam overview of the movie releases of the previous twelve months
Maternal madness is a topic that has inspired filmmakers from time immemorial–here’s the latest iteration
Here’s a Canadian TV program that, even if you didn’t actually view it, you probably remember
An hour long mini-feature that’s required viewing for any David Cronenberg completest
The horror movie inverse of KRAMER VS. KRAMER?
Yet another example of a book done in, commercially speaking, by poor packaging
A much-needed addendum to a previous essay, with an overview of weird holiday-themed films emerging from around the world