Apocalyptic sci-fi that looks good despite being a short film conflated to feature length
Apocalyptic sci-fi that looks good despite being a short film conflated to feature length
Another year, another underwhelming showing from the mainstream publishing industry
“Valley girls at the end of the world” was the pitch by writer-director Thom Eberhardt for this low budgeter from 1984
The latest and most comprehensive collection of stories by Canada’s master of elegantly drafted bizarrie Alexander Zelenyj
A 1916 Danish made depiction of Earth threatened by a rogue comet
A long-forgotten German horror-science fiction-fantasy epic, translated by indefatigable Joe E. Bandel
There are worse ways to waste 104 minutes.
The Second book by author Danny Stewart, who’s quickly establishing himself as one of the preeminent chroniclers of underappreciated science fiction cinema from the eighties and nineties
A rare example of a film to which the passage of time has actually been kind
In science fiction terms this book marked a true dream collaboration, it being the first and only novel by Philip K. Dick and Roger Zelazny