2024: The Year in Bedlam
Let’s face it: the movies of 2024 by and large sucked
Let’s face it: the movies of 2024 by and large sucked
About mainstream science fiction cinema in the summer of 1982, a pivotal time for those of us who lived through it
I maintain that the Edmund Plante authored 1987 horror-fest TRANSFORMATION is a rotgut classic. TRAPPED, Plante’s similarly oriented 1989 follow-up, is not.
Heavy reading this novel isn’t, but in terms of sheer grossness it’s a standout.
Ten standout moviemaking-themed horror novels
The primary intent of this no-budgeter was evidently to jumpstart a Hollywood career for its debuting writer-director, yet the film can be enjoyed by viewers who aren’t studio executives or talent agents
A collection of six science fiction stories from an uncommonly skilled wordsmith and surrealist
The latest installment of my annual overview of the previous year’s noteworthy film releases
A vastly overpraised novel, but one that imparts a powerful sense of near-otherworldly strangeness
A 2020 documentary about a dramatic adaptation of ALIEN put on by a consortium of UK bus drivers