An astounding hour long documentary chronicling the “Disco Sex Guru” Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (1931-1990), who together with a bevy of followers literally took over the town of Antelope, Oregon in 1981
An astounding hour long documentary chronicling the “Disco Sex Guru” Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (1931-1990), who together with a bevy of followers literally took over the town of Antelope, Oregon in 1981
An avant-garde film in the guise of a music video compilation of a type that was once ubiquitous on VHS
A middling product of the gross-out teen movie explosion of the early 1980s
As a child of the eighties who happened to be a prolific moviegoer, I couldn’t help but notice the presence of Larry B. Scott
Continuing with my Year in Bedlam year-end overviews, we arrive at 1984
Here we have a definite literary oddity, a celebration of the video game scene of the early 1980s by the snootier-than-thou British novelist Martin Amis
Wes Craven put some interesting ideas into play in this film, but it doesn’t really work. Blame a fraught shoot, and the fact that Craven was attempting in vain to create a NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET-like franchise
Despite its flaws—and it does contain some fairly grievous ones—John Carpenter’s THEY LIVE is a witty, perceptive and impossible-to-forget concoction
2003 could almost be termed the year of the horror movie, as there were so many of them. Unfortunately, the reality is that not too many of last year’s horror films were worthwhile
2005 marked the release of what are in my view two of the most vital DVD collections on the scene