From China, a heavily stylized sci-fi satire
From China, a heavily stylized sci-fi satire
An astounding hour long documentary chronicling the “Disco Sex Guru” Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (1931-1990), who together with a bevy of followers literally took over the town of Antelope, Oregon in 1981
The Second sequel to POLTERGEIST, and about on par with the first, which is to say a mixed bag: bombastic, cynical and plain dumb, but with some affecting elements
A lousy movie, yes, but one that actually improves upon its predecessor in many respects.
Of the “Big Three” horror/exploitation film review zines, which included PSYCHOTRONIC and GORE GAZETTE, SLEAZOID EXPRESS tends to be the most acclaimed, and apparently boasted “The largest circulation of anything of its particular type.”
A look back at David Lynch’s fifty-plus year career in film, decade by decade
This 1989 French TV profile is one of the more fascinating documentaries on the late David Lynch
Here’s a rare case in which a horror movie remake actually surpasses its source
A mutant roach cheapie that delivers exactly what you’d expect
“Valley girls at the end of the world” was the pitch by writer-director Thom Eberhardt for this low budgeter from 1984