The logical successor to THE HUMAN CENTIPEDE: a Spanish made Netflixer from 2021 whose title (DOS in Spanish), refers to its protagonists, a man and a woman who awaken naked in a strange room with their stomachs stitched together.
…a man and a woman who awaken naked in a strange room with their stomachs stitched together.
The scruffy David (Pablo Derqui) and the posh Sara (Marina Gatell) are understandably quite disoriented. Upon figuring out the precise nature of their predicament they make their way off the bed and to the adjoining bathroom, where David and Sara take turns using the toilet (a scene that’s every bit as charming as it sounds). They then make their way to a mirror, which David smashes, and attempts to use a shard of glass to undo the stitches fusing their stomachs together. This, however, doesn’t work, as it seems a great deal of skin was amputated from both bodies.
Talking things over, David and Sara conclude that 1). they’re being monitored by an unseen someone, and 2). both are responsible for their misfortune, as it seems the mastermind is a psychotic ex-boyfriend of Sara who was lured by David. He, we learn, is a gigolo who started the whole mess in the misguided belief that he was initiating a threesome.
Yes, David and Sara eventually take advantage of their situation by having sex, in a bit of gaudy softcore erotica that’s straight out of RED SHOE DIARIES. This arouses the attentions of their heretofore unseen captor, who bursts into the room and…
Mar Targarona, a longtime producer (of THE UNINVITED GUEST and THE ORPHANAGE) and sometime director, bathes this depraved tale in gaudy lighting best suited to a nineties cable TV product (such as the aforementioned RED SHOE DIARIES). Furthering that cable TV feel is the extremely copious full-frontal nudity from Marina Gatell (who admittedly has an impressive physique), as opposed to Pablo Derqui, whose nether regions are always obscured.
Furthering that cable TV feel is the extremely copious full-frontal nudity from Marina Gatell…
It seems that Targarona and the screenwriters (three of whom, unbelievably enough, are credited), in the manner of THE HUMAN CENTIPEDE’S Tom Six, were so impressed with their core concept they didn’t bother to develop it much. The film, which is filled with flashy camera tricks (such as the simultaneous push in-zoom out effect utilized most famously in JAWS), never really goes anywhere very interesting, with a gruesome but unexciting twist-free conclusion that fails to justify the ennui of the preceding 70 minutes.
Vital Statistics
Rodar y Rodar Cine y Televisión/Netflix
Director: Mar Targarona
Producers: Joaquin Padro, Mar Targarona
Screenplay: Cuca Canals, Mike Hostench, Christian Molina
Cinematography: Rafa Lluch
Editing: Jose Luis Romeu
Cast: Pablo Derqui, Marina Gatell, Kandido Uranga, Anna Chinivho, Esteban Galilea