The 1972 magnum opus of the late underground film legend James Broughton
The 1972 magnum opus of the late underground film legend James Broughton
The materpiece of France’s Raymond Roussel, and one of the most astonishing displays of unfettered imagination I’ve ever experienced
The first and most famous novel by the ultra-prolific UK horrormeister Graham Masterton
This 1975 Hong Kong outrage is a classic of sorts, and a prime example of accidental surrealism
Apocalyptic sci-fi that looks good despite being a short film conflated to feature length
This is actually the final issue of the initial iteration of SLEAZOID EXPRESS, which took the form of a nonfiction novella by that publication’s editors Bill Landis and Jimmy McDonough
It certainly seemed like a good idea: a Russian American co-production in which six world class directors partook in “the gigantic cinematic canvas of historical change in Russia,”
Yes, this is it: the G-rated Disney movie by David Lynch
A look back at David Lynch’s fifty-plus year career in film, decade by decade
One of the world’s premiere examples of abstract filmmaking