“Whoever reads this book will become insane at least once”
“Whoever reads this book will become insane at least once”
A grief-fueled remembrance of the late Dorothy Stratten by “the director who loved her.”
An astounding hour long documentary chronicling the “Disco Sex Guru” Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (1931-1990), who together with a bevy of followers literally took over the town of Antelope, Oregon in 1981
A gaudily designed coffee table art book by the incomparable David Lynch
A once-outlandish French-Canadian comedy about a thoroughly Average Joe who finds himself the star of a reality TV program
A graphic novel that’s plenty weird, with a narrative that leans rather heavily into the perverse and psychosexual
Here’s an embarrassing admission: until recently I was an Oscar nerd
A blaxploitation movie parody that’s funny, illuminating and often downright ugly
The Second sequel to POLTERGEIST, and about on par with the first, which is to say a mixed bag: bombastic, cynical and plain dumb, but with some affecting elements
A lousy movie, yes, but one that actually improves upon its predecessor in many respects.