2024: Bedlam in Print
Another year, another underwhelming showing from the mainstream publishing industry
Another year, another underwhelming showing from the mainstream publishing industry
Let’s face it: the movies of 2024 by and large sucked
A look back at all things Bedlam
The latest installment of my annual overview of the previous year’s Bedlam Files-friendly publications
The latest edition of my Year in Bedlam overview of the movie releases of the previous twelve months
Anyone doubting that we’re currently living in Bizarro World need only take a look at the entertainment field of 2021
Here, in the early days of 2021, is the latest edition of my annual Bedlam in Print overview
2020 was a hell of a year
Bedlam was indeed the word for 2020 and (as of January 10) 2021 as well
In this Year in Bedlam overview, highlighting 30 lesser-known and/or underappreciated film releases, I’ll be exploring 1980