Undoubtedly one of Hollywood’s most intriguing “unmade” screenplays
Undoubtedly one of Hollywood’s most intriguing “unmade” screenplays
Being familiar with much of editor Eric J. Guignard’s previous output, I had high expectations for this anthology. I wasn’t disappointed
A rare example of a novel by Belgium’s Jean Ray and an even rarer example of an English translation of Ray’s work
This unforgettably gross and surreal graphic novel hails from Sweden, and I say this 2023 English translation is an absolute necessity
There are some ingeniously nasty elements in this 1988 horrorfest, yet also some misconceived ones, all packed into a vastly overblown framework
A fun book–quantum mechanics without pain!
The first novel by the late Rick Hautala, and a damn good read
Horror-sci fi about just what the title promises
Not actually a horror novel, but a mainstreamy thriller about a most evil little girl
A post-apocalyptic fantasy with a difference