The most notorious “lost” film of our—if not all—time, reviewed in screenplay form
The most notorious “lost” film of our—if not all—time, reviewed in screenplay form
Certainly one of the most unusual novels to emerge from the 1930s hard-boiled school
A vastly overpraised novel, but one that imparts a powerful sense of near-otherworldly strangeness
This uber-bleak depiction of a post-nuclear Germany was published, unbelievably enough, as a children’s book
An underground comix anthology about homicidal animals. At least one of its parts is strong.
The latest installment of the UK based House of Harley’s UGLY MUG series of underground comix art
London is destroyed yet again in this 1980s example of “Nasties” horror writing
A 1980s collection that’s become a classic in its field
Almost certainly the finest-ever graphic interpretation of this particular story
The very definition of a “Paperback from Hell”